Title: Letters from a Liar
Chapter: Two
Characters: DBSK/TVXQ, Fictional girl
Genre: ???
Rated: ???
A few months back my members and I started receiving letters from an American fan. Now these letters aren't your usual "I love you oppa! I will always support you" letters...and well they weren't exactly "strange" letters either. Instead it was more like a diary. This girl believes we don't read her letters so she's taking the opportunity to write things down and send them to someone, to make herself feel better.
She doesn't know we all read her letters.
First Letter I took a deep breath as I pulled out a sheet of paper and grabbed a pen. I don't know why I was doing this or why I was even sending this to DBSK. It's not like they'll care. But I guess that's exactly why I'm doing this. I need to let it all out. I need to talk about it to someone but I don't have anyone to talk about it to...and this does make me feel a bit better. When I sent the first letter I felt a some weight being lifted off my shoulders.
I took another deep breath and released it before I but my pen down against the paper and began writing.
Dear DBSK or no one in particular,
Hmm...where did I finish in the last letter? I think I left off saying how I made up stories about my love life. Well I guess that's where I will continue from.
The group at the time that I used was FT Island. When I first knew about them they weren't really as popular as they are now so that's why I used them. I said that I have a group of guy friends who have their own little band and such and how I had a crush on Minhwan...I chose him because I thought he was the cutest and is only two years older than I.
At first one of my friends was a bit suspicious saying "They kind of look like a band" I know she meant a band as in a debuted band already under a company. But of course I responded with "They are a band, like I said they have their own little band and write music," This lie about my life with these five boys continued for a few months though I didn't speak about it all the time though. Eventually I started liking Hongki more and lied about dating him and that Minhyuk later on told me he liked me too and all that love triangle bull-shit...excuse my language.
Anyways later on to make the lie more convincing I said Hongki and Seunghyun came to pick me up, they were waiting on the street across from the school and told her she should come with me. So we crossed the street together and I pretend I had a phone call with them as we arrived to the other side of the street and I told her they said their car broke down on their way there. We didn't live too far from the school so we walked home together.
Later on the lies piled up but I was able to keep in track with my stories. I later also used DBSK. Though I didn't use you guys as a big part of my life. I've lived in different states, such as Indiana, Virginia, Michigan, and now Florida.
Since Virginia was one of the states and DBSK is pretty popular and won't be easy to lie about I decided to make a lie based on the facts I do know about you guys. I knew Yoochun used to live in Virginia as well, so I told my friends "Hey there's this KPOP group I've been into lately and one of the members just seems so familiar." And to be honest I did for some reason think Yoochun looked familiar, anyway, the next day I told my friends "I found out who he is! It turns out I knew him from back when I was in elementary school, back when I lived in Virginia, but I don't remember much about him. I didn't even know he was Korean." I lied, clearly.
I lied about my entire life to almost everyone I knew. Even when I entered High School.
High School was...a bit different. Though my lies were less from before though on the internet it my lies were the same, maybe even more.
I even made fake facebook accounts using a fake name and using ullzzang photos saying it was me. It was funny though.
Compared to my real facebook...and life, I made a lot more friends, both boys and girls, a lot more people spoke to me and added me. The only thing I didn't fake on these fake accounts was my personality. It made me realize no matter what people always befriend and go after those who look good, beautiful, cute, or sexy.
I never had any real friends in my life, to this day.
I...something happened in when I was a freshman in high school. But I don't think I'm quite ready to talk about that right now. Maybe next time?
Sincerly, A
I sighed and folded the paper, putting it into an envelope and sticking the stamps onto it before heading outside and putting it in the email box for the mail man to take. I went back inside and headed to the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes before entering the shower.
I hope that DBSK won't read my letters, it's embarrassing and disgusting that I would lie like that.
But at the same time, deep inside, I secretly hoped that they would.
A/N: fun fact, some...maybe a lot of this actually happened, but not all to one person, things that will happen in the next chapter actually happened to another person but I decided to make it the main characters story to make things a little more dramatic.