so what if its not perfect?

Sep 12, 2005 16:07

well, im looking into colleges right now..i have NO idea where i wanna go anymore. i had this whole mind set onjust staying & going to BCC..but i feel like i'd regret it because im "limiting" myself from other options..therefore im going to look, & see where im interested OR looking at USF UNF Sante Fe UCF Jacksonville University..
but im not sure..i hate people down here. & i never realized it soo much till now. im even gonna get a new number when i transfer phone company's..
oh well. love u.
xo aut.*

This ain't a movie, no
No fairytale conclusion, y'all
It gets more confusing everyday
Sometimes it's heaven sent
Then we head back to hell again
We kiss then we make up on the way
I hang up, you call
We rise and we fall
And we feel like just walking away
As our love advances, we take second chances
Though it's not a fantasy I still want you to stay

i love youuu :]
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