Oct 10, 2005 23:38
Well it is turkey day in Canada...and no I don't mean that we are celebrating Turkey the country. We are celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada. Yah Hoo that means turkey, dressing and all the goodies that go with it including pumpkin pie. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner here at home yesterday and then today we went to Ann's for more turkey and fixings and she even had ham and apple pie. I am so full I think I will burst.
This was Kayleigh's first Thanksgiving and she celebrated by eating mashed potatoes which she wasn't all that impressed with given the facial expressions and gagging. I kept telling her mom put some gravy on them and she will love them. Mom said no but maybe for Christmas we will sneak her some gravy and a turkey leg!
We were also celebrating the last family dinner at Ann's house, she has bought another home and is renovating it and plans to be in it on the 26th of October. Of course we won't be here to help her with the move, what a shame. I wonder if I planned that...I hate moving days. But she would be there for us if we were moving. So we will have to have a housewarming party for her when we get home.
Ann's girls are growing up way to fast, they have all had changes to their schools this year. Hanna is in middle school (grade 6 to grade 9) and Maddie and Jamie's school closed so they have moved to the school that is close to their new home. Big news Ann has a man in her life and is she ever happy. He is very kind and is just great with the girls, he has a 9 year old son from a previous marriage so children are not a new thing to him.
So it was one great big happy family tonight with Ann and her side of the family and Jade (boyfriend) and his side of the family and then us with our family. Wish you all could have been there.
So you are probably wondering what I am thankful for..that's easy family, friends and pets, a roof over my head and food in my belly!