MAth was a little boring as usual. Umm, the bell rang. Science was a little boring Mr. LEone was a little upset that the question we had to write down on Friday were incomplete. The bell rang. PE was fun. We had to start football. I needed to warm up so I kept on accidently making the ball fall too short. Claudia's leg is OK now. Umm, so I accidently hit Kelly with the ball where I shouldn't have and she said, 'Thank God I'm not a guy!' It was funny. Then we started passing the ball with Medina. Then Emily. Than Mary and Kelly H. Medina was singing 'Hot Potato, Hot Potato.' Then I said, 'Cold Speghetti, Cold Speghetti.' Then we started singing the song from the 'Wiggles.' You know, that baby show on Disney. Yeah, so we had Ms. Lorenzo open the door because we were about to be late for class. Then we had fourth period. We had a sub. Everybody thought he was gay. It was funny. Then Eunice and I asked to go to the bathroom at 12:43 again. First, I saw Andres, Then Blake and Danny together. Andres was waiting for them. Then we were going to follow them but Andres said, 'Look who's behind us!' They all looked and Eunice and I ran back to class. We had our stupid art assignment. Then at lunch we were bored. Then during Language Arts, we had a sub. Everyone sat in different seats except a couple people. I didn't move. Eleisha got there a little late and Christina took her seat so she sat next to Christina. And Matias sat next to me because Natalie took his seat. During the whole period he was lost. He tried copying my answers and kept on tapping on my elbow and I think he got me sick. Because he keeps on blowing his nose during science. Then Matias kept taking my pencil and Eleisha's pen to bribe us for the answers. Then I was holding Christina's veggie rocks cd lyric book. Then he took it and said, 'I'll give this back to you for the answers.' I say, 'This isn't mine.' He says, 'Then who's is it?' I say, 'Christina's...' Then he makes a disgusted face and throws it toward her. Then at the end of class, she sings the veggie tales song 'His Hamburger.' Everyone was laughing. She was about to sing the 'Water Buffalo' song but the bell rang. I wanted her to sing that one. It was one of my favorites. Then during geography before the bell, everyone was saying, 'Because it was his hamburger.' And umm, we had boring geography. We left blah blah blah. The end.
btw people, if you sign up for this same livejournal thing, you can comment on my entries. I'd look forward to that.