Mar 11, 2004 17:07
I decided to do this once a week now! So, now is Ignacio, Jonathan, And Rishi... all in one! Because they are annoying crackheads!
Name: Ignacio
Birthday: February 11, 1992
Labels himself: rapper, but I don't see him making any music
grade: 6th
classes with: Ashley, Chelsea, Kelly
hates: me, Vanessa, Ashley, Isabel
what I label him: another guy dealing with growing up trying to be cool and acting like a PIMP wanna-be
head size (question applies to Kyle): average for his body size
had P.E.: never
tall or short: umm, short compared to me
popular or not: among his friends, yes. around me, no
why i NEVER liked him: He's an ugly dumb-butt. He used to like me...eww
my friends think he is: a dork, ugly, dorky, annoying, blah, idiotic, weird, g-hetto wanna-be
Name: Jonathan
Birthday: January 29, 1992
Labels himself: rapper, but he's not making any music, so, I guess not
grade: 6th
classes with: Igancio, Danny, Ashley, Stephanie
hates: me, Vanessa, Ashley
head size (question applies to Kyle): average for his body size
had P.E.: never
tall or short: tiny
popular or not: among his friends, yes
why i never liked him: he is soo annoying, he's short, he thinks he cool, but he is compred to Ignacio
my friends think he is: a dork, ugly, dorky, annoying, blah, blah, blah, blah
Name: Rishi
Birthday: February 21, 1992 (a day after me!)
Labels himself: rapper, again, he's not making any music
grade: 6th
classes with: Vanessa, Vincent, and yeah
hates: me, Vanessa, Ashley, etc.
what I label him: guy trying to fit in as a PIMP (wanna-be)
head size (question applies to Kyle): average for his body size
had P.E.: never
tall or short: short
popular or not: among his friends, yes
why i used to like him: was cute, he's funny, he used to be attractive
my friends think he is: a dork, ugly, dorky, annoying, blah, grr, (Vincent and Eunice think so)