May 04, 2010 22:33
today was kind of a nice day, for the most part.
i had to wake up super early and drive into philly to see my dad.
i went to the mechanics and they told me my car's brakes needed to be renewed, and that one of my wheel bearings was bad.
my dad is sort of a jack-of-all-trades and he took a look at the car. the moment he got off the tire off, he stared at me and said "i am going to express this to you.." which made be bust out in a laugh which made him laugh too. he was so ridiculously proper. "your brakes are really bad and I don't think it's right for the model of the car even.."
he also said that the mechanics pretty much lied about the wheel bearings. everything was fine except for the brakes and my dad soon replaced them. we talked the whole time and had some severe father-daughter time that i don't get much anymore because of school and well, sometimes friends that want me for a weekend and such. :) but that's okay.
dad took me out to get a hoagie. i never had one until today. pickles, onions, cheese, mustard, and lettuce. fucking delicious. then we got some wooder-ice LOL. and then dropped sandwiches off to my step-mom at her work at the courthouse. i wanted to go ride the Harley with my dad, but i had to come home and grab my brother from school. we went to the dollar store, picked up some cheap toys.
then i cleaned around the house for a bit, did some vacuuming and cleanups. i ran a fucking MILE on the treadmill. deaaaaath...
mom came home, and then i went to shoprite because i know she won't go and I was hungry. so after about 2 hours there of stocking up on food again, i came home and she bitched at me how i did nothing today. apparently i was home all day LMFAO. then i reminded her and she got pissed off and said "OMG WHOOPTY FUCKING DOO. YOU STILL DONT DO SHIT AROUND HERE." and i pretty much mouthed off to her until she tried getting in my face and talking me down, telling me i could never hit her. and that she was the adult, and she was the parent, etc etc. pretty much went on a tangent at me about how mature she is, when she's really not. -- also, i went shopping for you? bitch. I did more than you today.
she put me in a bad mood for a bit, but now i mellowed out. and i'm pretty bored, tired even. maybe i'll sleep good tonight and my contacts will come tomorrow.. *__*