Jul 09, 2006 12:03
Okay, I have a TON of stuff to put up in my LJ pages. This mercugrade is really kicking up nostalgia and re-kindling my creative fire. So, forewarning....be prepared for spamalot, mrs_urahara style.
speaking of Urahara. My love for my dear "hubby" has been re-kindled seeing him all in his studly reappearance in bleach manga. How I missed him soo. I just love his smug self-confidence and subliminal belittling of the opponent. heh-heh. he just roxs.
okay....onto this "one-minute life repair". A friend of mine works with this internationally known Doctor (Dr. Epstein), who also happens to be one of the best morphologists in the world (i should tell you what he said about me. heh-heh). anyhoo, he has written several books on healing and the mind. the mind-spirit-body connection and it's relation to creating "heaven on earth". He akin to Carolyn Myss, but not as public about his recognition, like she is. He has actually assist people in healing cancers and whatnot from their body. pretty incredible.
anyhoo....my friend is DEAR friends with Dr. Epstein. And, a couple weeks ago when i was in this "wtf is going on with my life?" kinda mood. She suggested that I do Dr. E's one-minute life repair exercise.
Now, right off the bat, if you are thinking "wtf? one minute?" then, you gotta clear it out and just BELIEVE. technically, it's more like 2minutes..but, it's called "one minute". I know when she first told me about it , I thought "like hell one minute." but, necessity is the mother of creation.
I, ironically, lost the dang paper with the exercise on it and happened to find it today. Lucky stars.
Dr. Epstein's One minute Life Repair Exercise:
Note: You can do this with your eyes open or closed. whatever is more comfortable for you.
1. Set your intention without outcome.
2. Then say "i am doing one-minute life repair to bring the appropriate fill in the blank. ( i.e: finances, love, appreciation, peace. healing, nutrition, etc. WHATEVER) into my life"
3. Take an inhale and exhale LONGER . 3 times.
4. Say what the new belief is (again, greater finances, peace, love, blah blah blah)
5. Extend your DOMINANT HAND out and say the new belief again.
6. Visualize it with all five senses: See it. feel it. hear it. taste it. Sense it..etc.
7. Take another deep inhale with a longer exhale.
8. DONE. ^______^
now, you can do this once or twice a day. I would not recommend getting too crazy with it and doing it like 8xs a day or something. But, more than anything this shifts the intention from the mind into the body and thereby into the heart to the divine. Dr. Epstein is a gifted man.
Dnother note: don't be silly about it like desiring 10lbs or wanting $1000. I think you have to look at in a bigger picture-sense of your life. So, maybe the weight loss has MORE to do with . .say, self-appreciation, or better eating habits, or self-care. etc. and maybe needing more money has to do with security or abundance or comfort. okeedoke?
anyhoo...enjoy. let me know what you think. hope it works for you. I know it has helped me. ^_______^