This my fandom. Tell me yours

May 19, 2009 11:11

Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?

2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?

4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

hulamoth gave me Dr Who, Lola and LOM.

So …

Dr Who

What got you into this fandom in the first place?

Not sure, Dr Who has been part of my life since I was tiny when I cowered behind the sofa whilst watching it.  In the 70’s/80’s it was the kitsch factor - wobbly scenery, dodgy CGI, cheap and cheerful scripts - but they did it with such self belief and chutzpah. Now, they’ve remade it and improved the scripts and special effects but kept much of the charm. I’m so looking forward to the new episodes and meeting the new Dr Who.  (He seems more of a Time Tot than a Time Lord, but I’m willing to give him a go).

Do you think you’ll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

Stay, there’s no sign of moving on as yet.  I still watch and check the various LJ communities, but I don’t do as much as I did.  (Magazines, DVDs, Conventions and lurking on Outpost Gallifrey).  I did stop watching for a bit - towards the end of the Classic years when it was total rubbish and had Bonnie “Worst Companion Ever” Langford in it.

Favorite Episodes

Classic - “Dr Who and the Green Death”.  Day-glo maggots.

New - “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances” - a happy ending!  And the doctor shakes his funky bootie.  Oh, and some captain bloke …

Human Nature” and “Family of Blood”  - The Doctor finds happiness and then loses it again.  The ending is one of the most chilling things I’ve ever seen.  They wanted to live forever and the Doctor makes it possible …  Sometimes it’s best not to get what you want.

Blink” - Don’t!

Do you participate in this fandom?

I lurk on the fringes.  I used to do more, but marriage and a small child put paid to much fandom activity!

Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

By the time Matt Smith is ready, the Tubblet will be old enough to watch.  There is a space behind the sofa with her name on it!  (So that's a yes then!)


What got you into this fandom in the first place?

The Tubblet, as she enjoys watching "Charlie and Lola" on CBeebies.  Lola is 5 years old and is in Reception whilst her older brother Charlie is 7 (or 8).  All the stories are told from the children’s point of view, the adults are only referred to in passing.  It’s very clever and whoever writes it has a real ear for the way children speak, “But actually mummy …”  The Tubblet is, like Lola, small and blonde.  Unlike Lola, the Tubblet does not wear dresses.  She wears jeans and t-shirts.  They are also the same age.

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Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

Move on as the Tubblet goes up.  Her new favourite is “Ben 10”.

Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?

Don’t really have one.  But this is ace!  SING!  DANCE!  Play the Saxophone!

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Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?


Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Like you get a choice if you have a five year old girl … It could be worse though!


What got you into this fandom in the first place?

I could come out with some intelligent waffle about the whole idea of a cop show where one of the main characters has traveled back in time and is now trying to do the same job in a completely different world being very intriguing … But it was Gene.  [ETA:  I had a boy-friend who was very similar to Gene - loud, brash, with similar dress sense and about as PC.  He would have owned those cowboy boots if he'd known where to buy them. I dumped him because I outgrew him.  Great place for a visit, but you wouldn't want to live there!  I have no defense apart from youth, stupidity and it being the '80's and most Cityboys were very like him.  And ... um ... well ... yeah.  Going out with Cityboy did help me appreciate Mr T when he appeared on my horizon and enabled me to put the diamond ring and lasso that all single Christian women carry in their handbags to good use].  That, and the joy of shrieking, “I had one of those!”  and playing "Name that tune".

Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

I’ll always like both shows - LOM and A2A - but I’ll move on eventually as they’re not planning to make any more.  (Unless Season 3 gets commissioned, but then that’s it).

Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?

Problem with LOM and A2A is that it’s all of a piece so I’ve got favourite bits, but not a favourite espisode as such.  The Candlewick Green sequence for example:

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The woman who lived two doors down from us in our old house works for the special effects company used by Kudos.  She went down to Manchester to help direct the camera angles etc in the final sequence on the tower block in LOM.  This was to make sure that the special effects people had what they needed to make it look good.  (ETA:  And it looked marvellous.  Am deliberately not describing the end squence in any detail in case anyone reading this hasn't seen it].  She also works on “Hustle” and “Spooks”.  (I never got the chance to ask her anything about Season 7 due to house move *head desk*)

Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

I read a lot, but that’s about it.

Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Yes!  Partly because it’s so good and partly because more viewers means they’ll commission season 3 and we get a proper ending.


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