Starting off with a wild generalisation but … I suspect that most people’s main contact with church / clergy is during life’s milestones - hatching, batching or dispatching. Or during high days and holidays - annual church visit during Christmas or Easter. Sunday attendance is for those of us who are Overly Keen. (I’m not getting into the whole
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Though I am not Jewish (I was raised a Christian), I attend a Passover Seder each year at one of my closest friends' house. It's wonderful being part of such a long tradition, and hers balances the serious with the funny (with Moses and Ramesses action figures on the tables, charoset made into pyramid-shaped molds, the 10 plagues all in numbered brown paper bags so we can go through them deliberately, as each is read aloud, etc.). I've even learned a little Hebrew; interesting for this goy-girl. However, last night's Seder was suddenly cancelled, via a noon phone call, as her father-in-law had suddenly developed pnemonia in both lungs. If you can spare a thought and a prayer for Norm (82, who took a fall a month ago, and seemed to be on the mend) may I ask that you please do so? Thank you.
May you, mrs_tubbs, and everyone in LJ have a truly Joyous and Blessed Easter, Passover & Spring! (I hope to be singing along to "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" and Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus," myself. Love those two divinely-inspired - at least in my book - pieces of music.) Love & Light to All! ;-)
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