Project 52

May 10, 2023 12:17

(If the image refuses to load, you should be able to see it in a new tab by clicking here.)

There's no mom news as we have been playing phone tag all week. At least she sounded good on the voicemail she left for me.

On Sunday I met with my knitting buddies on Zoom, then watched many, many hours of television while finishing the hat and then cranking out most of another cat bed. I wrapped that one up while Jebra was at band practice on Monday.

Last night was the final Black Sheep Knitting Guild meeting of the year. We are moving from the church come September. It is unclear to me whether we will be having any meetings in the church's backyard this summer. If all the summer gatherings take place at Panera, I might or might not attend. We really need to get back to working in the backyard. I went out there to harvest rhubarb for a coworker and saw that the garlic mustard is taking over. I want Jebra to spray it with weedkiller before it the problem gets worse.

Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
For more information about the designers and their work, see".

project 52, scrapbooking

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