Aug 11, 2022 16:49
My mom has, apparently, broken some of her ribs. We aren't sure exactly what happened; we know she'd gone out with one of her friends and had some sort of accident/incident while she was either at the dollar store, the post office, or at a restaurant. Those were, we think, the three places she was intending to go. We don't know if she fell getting into or out of the friends Ford F-150 pickup truck or just randomly fell down at one of the places they intended to visit. She was x-rayed after the fall and nothing was found. They took new images after she complained about pain and that's how the broken ribs were found on Monday.
It took my brother and sister four days to get that much of the story out of her. I tried too, when I spoke with her yesterday, but had no luck getting a coherent story. I don't think she knows what happened, why it happened, or exactly where she was or how she got back to the place she's living now.
Her mood was pretty good when we spoke and that was a good thing as I know she was downright miserable and in a lot of pain the previous three or four days.