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Once again I'm having difficulty remembering what I did this week. I know I finished a few cat beds, met with the Cranky Women on Friday, went out for an expensive dinner with Jebra Saturday evening (delicious Ukrainian cuisine that I'm still feeling conflicted about. I enjoyed being a restaurant with him and the food was wonderful, and I'm also feeling guilty that our money went into our tummies rather than to charity supporting the Ukraine.
Sunday morning started with the Stitch & Bitch social on Google Meet. I had to cut the meeting short as we had to leave for the Birmingham Concert Band concert. I enjoyed the concert and, shockingly, I actually liked all of the pieces they played. I particularly enjoyed the piece In C (Terry Riley/trans. Patrick Jensen). I'm told performances of it can literally last days. This one was long but not that long. After the concert we went grocery shopping.
Monday Jebra had band practice with the Farmington Community Band and I finished a cat bed I had not intended to finish as I wasn't paying enough attention when I selected what to watch while crocheting and accidentally started a two-hour show.
Last night was an in-person Guild Meeting and the first one we've had without the requirement to stay masked. We had a wonderful guest speaker, Willie Smith of WillieNillieKnits. He's working on releasing his second pattern and I'm eager to grab a copy. And if you have a change to see him, Go!. He's funny and has the most infectious positive energy I've ever encountered.
Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
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