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As I said on the scrapbook page, the big event of the week was IndyFurCon. Thursday morning we got up at the usual time, went and got my allergy shot, then headed to Dearborn to pick up a tray of baklava to bring to the convention. That's one of
jebra's things, bringing Turkish coffee and baklava to share with the Dorsai and whoever else hangs out in Ops (The convention's operations center). I slept through the first half of the trip, woke up to an extremely upset stomach and then was miserable the remainder of the trip. I was okay enough to do my shifts later that day but I still felt horrible and went to bed as soon as I could.
On Friday I was assigned badging at the Dealers Den and then watching the door at an under 18 panel (no adults other than me and the person running the group). This was a meet-and-greet for the under 18 crowd and seemed to go well. It was also the first time IFC had a panel specifically for the younger crowd and I enjoyed eves-dropping on them. I was particularly impressed with the young woman debuting her new costume, which she created without a pattern and hand-sewed together. Looking at it, you would not know it wasn't professionally made. I think I also badged at an 18+panel that night but it's all run together. Not helping is that one of the panels was interrupted by the fire alarm. Everyone had to troop outside and wait for the firemen to do their thing and declare the hotel safe to re-enter. Panels resumed from where they were interrupted so for the rest of the day the schedule was off by approximately 35 minutes. Once again I went to bed after my shift concluded.
Around 4 am the fire alarm went off again.
jebra was Duty Officer at the time, so I was alone in our room. I stumbled around for clothes and my glasses and my phone and badge, then followed the crowd heading to the parking lot by the side of the building. I saw NikonLion and talked to him for a bit and kept a worried eye on the skyline. Storm clouds were gathering and there was one brilliant strike of lightening before the all-clear was given. Fortunately the rain held off until we were back inside. I enjoyed listening the rain pound the building and the rumble of thunder which started a few short minutes after I returned to bed.
Sunday was doing more security things and packing out of our room. We left the con around 4:30 in the afternoon and hustled home. We still had to unpack and get ready for work the following morning, plus do a load of laundry so that I would have clean shorts to wear to my 8 am Physical Therapy appointment. This was my first appointment both at this particular location and with the goal of smoothing out my walk and reducing the liklihood of sciatica returning. My muscle strength and flexibility were evaluated, and then I got to spend the final 20 minutes of my appointment laying on the split table with 75 pounds of weight decompressing my spine. *That* felt fabulous and I wish my next appointment was sooner than another week and a half. The long labor day weekend plus my person's summer vacation are preventing us from meeting before then.
In other news, last night I received voicemail from my brother Rob letting me know our mom is back in the hospital. This time she's in for diverticulitis and on intravenous antibiotics. She's likely to be in for another few days. I know I should call her but I'm anxious about the upcoming weekend. I've been anxious about it all summer; last fall
jebra rented a cabin at the state park where he stays for the bridge walk and I've been worried that the people he told me he'd split the cost of the cabin with wouldn't actually go. Plus I wanted to do the walk across the bridge with him (I have never done) but the bout with sciatica threw off my plans to work up to being able to walk for five continuous miles. Not to mention anxiety has been doing a number on my digestive system. There are no bathrooms/port-a-johns on the bridge and I just don't trust my body to behave.
Scrapbook papers & elements from the kit Bohemian Breeze
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