Muse @ Monterrey July 16th, 2008

Jul 17, 2008 10:38


omg OMG OMG. This is going to be totes incoherent because I'm half asleep but I remembered I promised Aldair I'd post the setlist on Musewiki when I got home, but I just showered and passed out. It was the most intense concert experience I've ever had.

Woke up at 5am to make sandwiches, and get ready sfdhsdlfhs. At 8 Jesica and I were supposed to meet up but I couldn't find her at all, so I just went ahead and walked the one block to go and pick up Aldair and his friend Andrea, and I couldn't find then either. My cellphone died on me and I was so desperate I reported them as lost people at the bus terminal, and called then through the voice over, but miracously my phone worked again for 2 min. just enough time to read his text saying where they were. So OMG EPIC MEETING OF PEOPLE IRL OMGGGGGGGG. OMG I just wanted to put ickle Aldair in my pocket and keep him there forever and ever omgggg (whatever, he's taller than me). Poor guy omg.

So we go to try and find Jesica, we called her and finally found her. She tells me she's gotta go and do 4 hours in her job boooo. By the time we arrive to the Arena there was a queue, people who slept there, pretty hardcore. Cindy was supposed to save us spots in the queue but she didn't hmm ok then. Two hours later more than half the people ahead of us had chickened out. Pussies.

And the waiting OMG. The queue was in the direct scorching hot Monterrey sun when we were scheduled to reach 38°C. With umbrellas and sunblock and everything, but we all ended up super sunburned I think I'm the one who got it worse because I turned LOBSTER RED. But whatever, it was super fun. By 12pm, Aldair and I tried to get our drunk on djfksdk haahah went to the convenience store and bought spirits and any other drink with an innocent looking can or bottle to pour the goods there, it's illegal to drink on the streets or whatever. It was a failed attempt because no matter what we didn't go past the lightheaded phase booo. All the queue were looking at us funny though.

Millions of hours later the security people finally let us in and we made a run of it. By the time we got there there was already a good number of people taking in the barrier (most of them squished to Matt's side). Took out spots (Jesica, Aldair and I, that is, Andrea preferred to stay back because she has a bad knee), omg it was 3 hours of pushing around and that is before the opening band took the stage. We ended up in the middle of a big group of HUGE guys that kept trying to start a moshpit (before any band took the stage haha). Jesica was dyingggggg but took the whole getting her face smashed in some 6 foot something dude's armpit like a trooper and I kept trying to sneak Aldair beside me cause those dudes kept shoving him back haha.

The opening band was the most... idk... vomit inducing music I've ever heard so I won't waste time typing shit about them.

After the opening band the techies took ages to arrange everything for Muse, and Aldair and me were being obnoxiously fangirly over Matt's guitars, they look so pretty in real life. After almost an hour of arrangements the lights went down and the Dance of the knights could be heard OMGGGGGGGG IT WAS MENTAL. Suddenly we were pushed towards the barrier and managed to hold on to Aldair's hand just in time before I got crushed and lifted off the ground (it was convenient if it wasn't because my skirt got lifted too, it was not nice at all).

This is the setlist:

Dead Star
New Born + Head up riff + Ashamed intro
Supermassive black hole
Butterflies and hurricanes
Feeling Good
Space dementia + Drum and bass jam
Hysteria + the intro of Rage Against The Machine's People of the sun
Starlight + The groove instrumental
Time is running out
Stockholm syndrome

- encore -

Take a bow + unknown riff
Plug in baby
Knights of Cydonia

Matt was wearing a red shirt (top buttons undone) and black pants, and his hair was practically dirty blond LOLOLOLOL Dom was wearing a black shirt and his yellow skinnies and had a nice short haircut and I couldn't see Chris at all xD

It was MENTAL. We were in the middle of a moshpit being all hardcore before Jesica got hit in the jaw during Butterflies and hurricanes I think, and decided to go to the back of the crowd and enjoy the show. We were making way for Jesica to get out when those assholes started to push us back. We ended up farther from the stage but it was nicer there and had more room to jump around and everything. Ohhh it was epic. I didn't sing too much because I was ~~saving my energies~~~ for moshing around during Knights but ohhh boy did I dance, failed around and jumped. In the encore I started to hear everything disorted and seeing black and was all nononono not yet not yet, so I hugged Aldair, let myself go, tried to breathe and hoped for the best, I think all of Take a bow I spend hanging onto Aldair lolol and a girl had a water bottle and I asked her for some water, once rehidrated I had my ~~second air~~ and danced around again during Plug in baby though reasonably less ~intense~ cause we knew it was all almost over and they were going to close with Knights.

And then, the moment I had been waiting for. OMG IT WAS EPIC. Matt played us like the strings of his guitar, everyone singing along and it must have looked awesome when we started to throw our hands in the air. And then, during THE RIFF ♥ everything went BALLISTIC it was FGUSDFLSDIFSDFLSUFLHDSUFHDSIUFHSDUIFSDLUUUUIFHDSF a highlight of my LIFE, seriously. Almost orgasmic and not in the omg fangirlzzzz say it was orgasmic omggg kind of orgasmic, it was for real awesomely orgasm inducing. We managed to sneak into the moshpit again and it was EPIC.


At the end of the song, when everyone was cheering I was dead weight over Aldair for a while. Everyone started to chant for the guys to come back and play another song but we got out of there fast because I couldn't breathe. OMG IT WAS DISGUSTING. We both were drenched in sweat, eachother's, other people's and our own, hair wild and fluffy and seriously sunburned. It was seriously as if we had awesome mind blowing sex with Muse, goofy afterglow grin included haha.

So next time Muse plays your nearest city, go and have awesome all night long sex with them, it's so worth it.

~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ~

We missed the last metro lol and had to take a weird night bus and OMG IT WAS SO SAD SAYING GOODBYE TO ALDAIR OMGGGG. I started to plot kidnapping schemes and everything.

And now I'm super hungry (didn't eat at all yesterday, totally forgot) and achy and I'm starting to peel (my nose and arms got it worse). And I want to sleep 10 hours more hmmmm.

fangirly stuff, muse, stalking irl, concerts, adventures, creepy belldom fic

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