Moz is awesome.
So the concert experience began when I started calling Jessica, she wouldn't jut pick up the damn phone! but we had already agreed on meeting in a metro station at 6pm, get early to the venue (it's just about 20-25 mins away from my house :D
SoI venture myself on going and get at around 6:10pm and she still wasn't there, called her and she was coming, she was late cause she was randomly walking trying to lose some dudes who were following her around. Creepy. Hahaha I saw some funny dude dressed up as Morrissey, with the hairdo and all, while I was waiting for Jesica, and some dude asked me if that was the right line to get there and all. Oh, I could have made a Moz friend hahaha
So we get to the venue, buy our tickets. Yay! last minute ticket buying! They were's so shite after all, we could see him cause we were in the second barrier in the right, could see the backstage and all.
Then we went to buy some merch, it tooks us an hour to find a decent shirt to buy (from the non-official ones), which were much much prettier than the official ones that were HUGE and ugly. I bough one that is kind of a bit to big for me, suckorzzz the small ones ran out cause some Texan girls were buying a bunch of them, LOTS AND LOTS of shirts (the Mean Me is trying to hold back saying that they definetly didn't fit in those shirts...)
Then we went in and got our seats, some good music was playing, good times. We called
beside_her who told us that Kristeen Young had opened the last two gigs and will probably open this one too. And she did! YAY!
Man, she is awesome. She came in dressed in a cute skirt and shirt, with high heel boots and looked really cute, got some whistles which made her a big nervous. Aww poor girl, had some mic problems. She and the drummer rocked out for almost an hour. She was so cute!!
Then there was a huge white screen showing Eurovision song contest videos from the 60's o.O and a n old movie I don't recognize, meanwhile teachies were setting up Morrissey's stuff. Blah blah blah, some time later he came on with the five muskeeters! hahaha
I don't remember the whole setlist, but he played lots from the last two albums and a few Smiths songs. Hmm.. he started with Panic and I think the next one was You have killed me. I SERIOUSLY DON'T REMEMBER!
The most irritating thing was that people were just sitting around eating popcorn or not moving at all even if Teh Mighty Moz was being nice and was being very talkative and gave an awesome show. PEOPLE JUST DIDN'T MOVE! He spoke a bit of Spanish haha and was joking around and talking to a girl he had met in Guadalajara, and babbling about how much Morrissey and Monterrey sounded alike but had different meanings.
I cried a bit duiring Let me kiss you :( Even seeing him tearing off his shirt at the end didn't cheer me up, it's such a sad song I can completely relate to :(
Awesome concert! Could have been perfect if people hadn't really ruined the mood so much :(
My (Moz fanboy) brother had sold his first row ticket cause he wasn't going after all, he had to work and stuff, but managed to get off work early and drove a 6 hour drive in 3 hours flat, ended up with a flat tire, bought a new ticket (not first row, those were sold out). He was near where I was but we did't see eachother.
Hahaha that seemed funny, cause at 1am when I was having a late dinner he was knocking on the door and we just looked at eachother and asked "did you go?" at the same time hahaha
I'm such a lazy sod, I still have lots of homework to do, well it isn't THAT MUCH I just have to tweak a bit some logos and stuff. Ahhh let it be Friday soon!