Angel and The Demon [2/?]

Aug 20, 2010 14:22

Title: Angel and The Demon [2/?]
Author: me
Rating: very NC-17
Summary: Twitch is a fallen angel and finds himself lost and confused until he appears to be saved by the devil. But things are sadly not as they seem. The result of an RP with ChibiSnoo.
WARNINGS: expect things to happen that will make you want to hug the hell outta Twitch. Rape. 
Disclaimer: I own only the words.

Previously on Angel And The Demon...

“Feel better?” Fink asked. Twitch just nodded and snuggled closer to the other’s body- he was so glad Fink found him and saved him. He fell asleep with a content smile on his angelic lips.

Chapter 2

Twitch’s eyes flew open at the sensation of his entrance being penetrated by Fink’s tongue. Just as he had started enjoying the sensation of it, Fink stopped rimming him and smirked “Good morning.”

“G-Good morning.” Came a shaken response from the blonde. Before anymore words passed between the two the unthinkable happened, Fink just pulled him up onto his elbows and knees by his scrawny ass and started fucking him dry- the saliva a mockingly non-existent amount of lubrication.

Twitch let out a noise which was a combination of a gasp and a scream, it felt like he was being torn in half and black fingernails dug mercilessly into his naked hips.

“H-Hurts!” Twitch whimpered but the devil ignored him, if anything he went faster and harder. “P-Please stop! Please.” Twitch continued to beg and began clawing at the bedding to get away but it was no use, Fink held him firmly in place. This wasn’t like it was the night before Fink wasn’t being caring and he wasn’t touching Twitch’s prostate so there was only pain.

Tears began to drip from Twitch’s eyes as Fink came and spilled inside him and pulled out, leaving him to collapse on the bed.

“Why? W-Why didn’t you stop, you said you’d stop if it hurt!”

Fink just gave another smirk. “Because I am a demon, and you are not. You are one of the holiest creatures known to man. An angel. And you belong to me.”

Memories started to seep back into Twitch’s mind. Yes, he was an angel and he remembered why he fell- it was because he had looked down at the world below, curiosity kills. “Why do I belong to you?” he asked, voice shaking as he turned onto his back to face his apparent enemy. There was a look on Twitch’s face of utter pain and betrayal that would make the heart of any sane person who saw it bleed, but Fink wasn’t exactly Mr Sane, he loved that look on their faces.

“Because I say so.” Fink grinned and used his tail to whip across the blonde angel’s stomach, leaving a bloody red line causing him to yelp and curl up in a ball on his side like a hedgehog only for Fink to continue whipping his back.

“There aint a thing to stop me runnin'!” Twitch squeaked.

“Oh there are a lot of things to stop you. Now, who do you belong to?”

“NOBODY!” the angel yelled but all that got him was another whip with Fink’s powerful tail.

“I’ll ask again, who do you belong to?”

“You....” Twitch sobbed.

“Very good.” An almost kind smile blossomed slowly onto Fink’s face as he looked down as his gullible victim whimpering in pain and fear. “Now go take a shower and I’ll get you a drink.”

Twitch obeyed, he followed the sound of the already running water of the shower, hobbling slightly. Once he had got under the water he hissed at the sting of the biting pain caused by warm water penetrating the broken skin on his back and belly. Although after the initial pain had faded the feeling of warmth began to sooth the fallen angel. But in a sick and troubling way the comfortable warmth of the water wrapping around his body, driving away the cold reminded him of Fink’s arms wrapping around him and the sweet warmth of his body the previous night.

After he spent as long as possible in the shower he stepped out, dried himself off and left the bathroom in search of his clothes but Fink cut off his pathway.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, tail swishing behind him.

“Getting my clothes.”

“Who said you could get dressed?” Fink barked.

“I just assumed...”

“Well you assumed wrong.”


sorry that was quite short. More to come, hope you didn't hate it too much


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