(no subject)

Jul 21, 2004 21:57

WOW! i haven't posted in SOOOOOOOO long!!!! i'm really getting bored of this! it takes too much time to type things when i can just think them and talk about them with the only 6 people that read this anyway (maybe 5)....i'm burning my first cd EVER! i'm testing 2 make sure i can do it so that i can burn my mom one for her anniversary. she told me she wanted one but doesn't think i know how to do it (i didn't think i could either before last night)!
5 minutes later.....
MY CD IS DONE!! WOOOHOOO! i just finished writing the songs on top so i remember my FIRST BURNED CD EVER! now i gotta wait 4 the sharpie 2 dry so that i can actually listen 2 it and make sure it's decent. i could fit 19 songs on it cause one of them is like 10 minutes long! wowsaaa! but that's still a good amount of songs 4 a cd so i'm pretty much set. i'll bring it to camp and we'll listen to it during dance....maybe the kids will play freeze dance to it or something! CD LISTENING TIME!

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