(no subject)

Oct 16, 2006 19:59

So I haven't updated in quite a while. Um, what's new with me?

Absolutely nothing. I start soccer tonight - my one and half month withdrawal was death - although I did have Buck or Two to entertain me for the past.. 3 or 4 weeks? I like it there. On my first break though, I called my mom and said I wanted to quit. 4000 different products are not for me. Making ice cream apparently is... but I got used to it. I love the people. They feel like family already.

Except John. He's kind of a dick. But my job is fun, easy and entertaining. For the second half of October, we get to dress up. Just you know, take things off the rack and wear them. Jordyn and Robin (Jordyn who has been on the Hurricanes with me for years [and I LOVED that I had my first shift with her) (and Robin is my friend Matty's girlfriend, so we knew of each other.. but we talk a lot now) were costume coordinators. I would have joined if I didn't have a whole crap load of money in the cash in front of me.

So I was the ragitti-Anne (spell?) devil. yes, that's right. They gave my red braided hair. Then horns, a red bow and a tail. A devil's tail without the sporky thingy. So it basically looked like a boner in the back of my butt.

Needless to say I didn't wear it. Even though Vinay almost physically put it on me. I threatened to sue for harrassment.

See? I love my job.
Also, I hate school. Especially the 3 projects a weekend I have (I either have two World Issues and one Sociology, or vice versa). It's boring. It's annoying. ITS HARD. I'm getting homework out of my butt.

Two projects tomorrow. And homework in World Issues AND in English. And soccer. And catching up on sleep seeing as I worked yesterday morning/afternoon, then spent 11 hours straight doing my fucking world classification grading system bullshit project for World Issues.

Which I kicked ass in though.

Oh well. The game calls my name.
Ha. I'm a poet and I don't even know it.
Oh I kill myself. jaykay.
Peace out tugs.

p.s. happy birthday to vlada (though its tomorrow) even if you never check this anymore.
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