(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 22:04

I haven't updated in a bit. New semester:

Religion: I hate my class. It's got loud annoying people. BUT I did get voted class rep, so that was cool.

Math: My teacher's a new teacher. His first semester here. And he's quite young. AND HE'S HARRY POTTER!!!!!! He has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and round glasses!! I freaked out. But I also hate my math class cause it's really loud and stupid people. But my teacher's cool and really laid but. But has no grammar skills!!! He can't spell and it drives me insane!!!

World History: Not at all how I expected it to be. Right now we're doing human evolution. I just finished anthropology, grrrr. And don't people remember that I didn't like anthropology? History of the 16th century. HUMAN EVOLUTION IS SO MUCH MORE FAR BACK THAN THAT.

Law: I LOVE IT. I really like it. And I like who's in my class. Vlada sits in front of me, and Dave McMurchy who sits infront of her is NICE TO ME. Since when? o_O But yeah. Tony sits next to me, and Jaime (who's also being really nice) is on my other side and Alexa and Emma sit on like the other side of the room though *tear*. But it's a good class.

Rehearsals have officially really begun this week and they're so long. Mme Brooks has no patience what so ever. But I've got two scenes covered. And they're both with Will *wink* Yeah he's super cute. And absolutely hilarious that I want to drop out of the play and just watch the show.

I guess that's enough for now. Weekend tomorrow. And Alex's birthday but I don't think I've spoken to him since Monday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX! *heart*

School tomorrow. Then weekend. NO SLEEP soccer at NINE on Saturday. Gah! Done. Gone.
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