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ingenue_bait October 6 2010, 19:47:59 UTC
I'm sorry, I know this is totally out of the blue and irrelevant, but I just noticed your PB and CHARLOTTE RAMPLING.

For some reason, I always use her when Kirk (TOS!Kirk) gets turned into a girl, and I could look at her all day, and...

Yes, there was no point to this, sorry.


mrs_persson October 6 2010, 19:50:17 UTC
Woo! Charlotte Rampling fans unite! :D

I'm always glad to know there are other fans of hers out there. I totally love her; I use fifty-something Charlotte as a PB for a Potterverse OC that I've played in a friend's game, and this is the second time I've used her as Una. Age shall not wither her, nor custom stale and all that.


ingenue_bait October 6 2010, 19:52:20 UTC
Then I guess I know who to snag icons from next time Kirk gets girlified in one of my games. ;)


mrs_persson October 6 2010, 19:54:26 UTC
I rented and screencapped The Night Porter once just to make icons. That should give you an idea. ^_^


ingenue_bait October 6 2010, 19:56:11 UTC
I just bought that! For $1. Haven't watched it yet, but I'm excited.

I had a hard time thinking up 60s ladies who looked both flirtatious and able to kick your ass, you know?


mrs_persson October 6 2010, 19:59:27 UTC
That is one messed-up movie, I'll tell you that right now.

And yes, exactly. Originally when I first RPed Una, I was going to cast Vanessa Redgrave or Sarah Miles, but somehow I stumbled over a picture of Charlotte Rampling and realised she was perfect. Her eyes are even the right colour. Plus, sometimes she has a slightly mad look that is just perfect for a rather erratic temporal adventuress.


ingenue_bait October 6 2010, 20:01:21 UTC
I don't know Una, but I can see that, totally. She doesn't have Shatner-colored eyes, but most of my icons are b&w anyway so I said whatever.


mrs_persson October 6 2010, 20:07:05 UTC
In the event you're ever curious, here's a compilation of links and things that I threw together for my own reference. And also because the Moorcock canon is kind of obscure anyway.

Also, may I say how thrilled I am that you're RPing Erik? I literally read the Leroux book until it fell apart, back in my severely Phantom-obsessed younger days.


ingenue_bait October 6 2010, 20:47:18 UTC
Awesome! Thanks. I know my husband has read some, and I know Dave Sim's Elrod (heh) which is probably irrelevant, but this is good.

I'm glad! I hope I do him justice--mine's not quite Leroux but it's hard to make sense of someone like that, really. But I was a big fan back in the day, and am still fond.


mrs_persson October 6 2010, 20:51:50 UTC
Oh, Elrod! That made me laugh so hard when I first read Cerebus. Elric was my intro to Moorcock, back when, and because I loved those books so much, I jumped on the Cornelius Quartet as soon as I found it. I was thirteen and perhaps not quite ready for highly experimental sci-fi ... but I loved it, anyway, and still do. More so now.

Likewise! I look forward to seeing what you do with him here.


ingenue_bait October 6 2010, 20:54:10 UTC
I'll definitely have to try some, sometime!


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