Apr 23, 2009 12:46
So last night I had this half-drunken (but more like alcohol-makes-the-truth-come-out) breakdown. It just sucks when you're the person who does everything for everyone else and when you need someone ... anyone .. no one's there. I can't beg. I'm not a begger. I've always been the type of person to fend for myself. Oh I don't have a car? I'll just walk home, even if it's a mile at 2am. Oh, my roommate took my keys? Well, I'll just sleep on the doorstep until my wonderful upstairs neighbor came down the stairs to my rescue.
It's hard to deal with other people's drama by yourself. Like if I lived alone and only saw the people I wanted to see when I wanted to see them, my life could be a gabillion times better. But I'm stuck having it pounded into my head 20 hours out of the day by the people I'm surrounded with right now. And I've also chosen to surround myself with them next year.
Enough of being mopey for now.
I'm going to try and hang out with people that Steph & Bri don't know. hahaha.
Until the next time...