Tesco rant

Oct 01, 2011 23:30

Sorry for actually posting but....

So I had an interesting experience at Tesco ( Fulborn ) today, I wanted to buy some anti-histamines and some painkillers so I ended up buying three tins of chocolates 6 packs of anti-histamines and two packets of paracetamol and two packets of ibuprofen. I did try to buy some more but something happened....

I was using a self service register and they always annoy. So someone came over when I put the third pain killer though the till and they said I wasn’t allowed to buy more than two painkillers in a single transaction. So I completed that transaction and started another one for the next two packets. I completed that and had started another when I was told that I was not allowed to buy any more. I asked why and they said it was company policy.

Basically I ended up being surrounded by the manager for the checkouts, the deputy manger for the store and a security guard. And they wouldn’t let me leave the store with the medicines I had bought, they kept on saying it was against company policy. When the store manager turned up I started recording this on my ipod, I told them I was doing this and they told me to stop because of company policy I refused. I was really shaking and felt very intimidated and unwell I also left my card in the card reader I was so shaken. I have about 10 minutes of audio where they will not let me leave the store with the items I had purchased. I did ask them to ring the police when the said they really were not going to let me out of the shop with the medicines I had bought. Eventually the manager said it was the medicines act and I think he said 1998 but I can only find an 1968 medicines act which googling implies that it limits the drugs that shops which are not pharmacies are allowed to sell. I did then give him the extra packets of paracetamol and ibuprofen but refused a refund as I just wanted to leave the shop. This has really shaken myself and my 10 year old son who was with me up.

Even if I wasn’t allowed to buy the medicines are they allowed to stop me from leaving the building ? I did pop into the police station later in the day to ask if they were allowed to detain me and they said it was a civil mater. I also asked the police if Tesco had rung them and they refused to answer.
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