Look fic!

Mar 10, 2008 00:21

 Title: The Consequences of Aging
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Gillington
(Author's Note: This is not nearly as good as it should be, but I forced myself to write it. I'd say I forced the muses, except they're still pretty absent. Maybe if I post it, I'll get a different perspective on it.)

Captain Andrew Gillette noticed things about his Admiral that many others would not. He knew when his superior officer needed advice, he knew the signs that signified his levels of anger (5, from cold indifference to cold murder), and he certainly knew when James would not yield to any sort of counsel.

His superior knowledge increased with their becoming lovers, so many years ago.

The passing years of their service together had only increased his surety in the fact that he knew James Norrington intimately. So it was no surprise to himself that he noticed his lover's problems with reading. He said nothing, particularly when any attempt to even a passing mention to it was responded to with cold, clipped tones and assurances that "He was fine, thank you Captain."

James only called him Captain in private when he was angry.

Or perhaps during the occasional buggering (and then only with the adjective naughty), but Andrew didn't think that signified at the moment.

What mattered, what mattered very much at that very moment, was the James Norrington, Admiral, Pride of the Royal Navy, Scourge of Piracy...had gotten himself spectacles. Spectacles, perched on the tip of James Norrington's nose, rimmed in grey metal, and giving the esteemed Admiral a very intellectual and handsome look indeed.

Andrew never knew a tool that aided in vision could make someone so undeniably attractive that his almost overriding instinct was to march across that room, grab his lover by his coat, and yank him across that desk for a round of the intelligent, naughty tutor and the...

Andrew must have made some sort of noise, for James, in a jerked motion, ripped the spectacles off and threw them half across the room in his haste to hide them. "I, ah, Andrew..." His hands, shaking, began rearranging the mess he'd made of the papers on his desk. "You...what are you doing here?" James regained his poise and finished with a cool, "Is there anything I can do for you Captain?"

Andrew said nothing in reply, preferring to walk quietly towards where the spectacles had fallen. He picked them up slowly, glad to see they had not broken, and returned to the desk. Leaning over, his fingers pushed them across the surface. "Why in God's name did you react like a maid frightened by a mouse?" Andrew asked with a quizzical smile.  "Put them on."

James blushed and looked down at his shoes. "I didn't want anyone to see I needed them," he mumbled, "I just found that I needed them in order to finish reports and..." He cleared his throat and looked at Andrew once again. "A successful commander needs to appear better, more powerful than he really is. I-"

"Put them on."

James blinked. "What?"

"Put them on."

Something in Andrew's expression finally made James obey. The spectacles slipped back onto his nose, and he frowned at Andrew through the lenses. "There, I put them on. Now are you willing to tell me why-"

Andrew leaned over and proceeded to kiss James senseless. James however, surprised as he was, responded quickly enough, and enthusiastically returned the action. Just as he began to moan and forget spectacles entirely, Andrew broke away and leaned back. His smile was smug as he waited for James to regain his wits.

"Why?" Andrew purred, "Because in not more than ten minutes, you'll be leaning against the desk, just like I am now, naked except for those very alluring spectacles, and begging for me to bugger you as you read the day's supply list."

Andrew laughed softly at James's mixed expression of surprise and arousal. It was a favorite look of Andrew's to see on the Admiral's face, that of surprised and confounded desire. Desire for him. It pleased him particularly that after so many fortunate years together he still knew how to drive James Norrington wild.

Particularly when Andrew whispered something so surprisingly arousing James could do nothing but love his spectacles from then on.

"You'll never think of sailcloth the same way again."


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