Jan 20, 2008 00:20
Mmmm...you know, the one night I tell myself I don't have to do homework (though feeling very guilty about it), and I can't think of a $%^ thing to write.
I've seen so much of season/series 1 of Torchwood out of order it's not even funny.
Currently watching Torchwood 1x13 "End of Days." In short my reaction is: Billis Manger is creepy. Jack is an ass at times, though for his own reasons, but his reassurance to Gwen about Rhys is sweet in and of itself. Gwen is...a bit like a chicken with her head cut off really. And poor tazered/murdered/confused/puts up with shit Rhys is another character I'd like to hug and help find someone else. Tosh is...I've yet to get a grip on Tosh, though I feel bad for her crush on Owen. (Maybe she'd appreciate Rhys more than Gwen. It would at least be some interesting conflict between her and Gwen.) Owen is Owen, which for season/series 1 is a bit of a wanker though his scene with Diane makes me want to give him a hug. Ianto is (I'd say HOT, and he is in the color combination of his suit, but that would be a bit shallow wouldn't it? Okay, okay, one of my current celebrity crushes has to be Gareth David-Lloyd)...for what I see an interesting character with lots of potential for development.
These are my as I watch comments:
Gwen: That's what happens here. We all end up alone.
Me: Not true. Ianto for one is shagging Jack. Ha!
Poor Jack. Can't he get his staff to stop shooting him?
See what happens kids? There's a reason for rules. Opening the rift=no no. The audience learned that from nearly the beginning.
Aw, Ianto got Jack's coat for him even as the rift is going kablooey.
Yeah, that's right Jack, you're only holding onto Ianto because Owen's shooting you affected your balance. Right.
They so need the Ghostbusters to deal with Abbadon. It reminds me of when they battle that Babylonian God. Who you gonna call? Not Torchwood, because they tend to f*&k up things without even trying. Seriously.
Still holding onto Ianto, Jack? ;) But why take Gwen on your field trip? I suppose because she asks questions and that provides exposition. Cause really I can't find any other reason for her being on the team.
Poor Jack. Dead again. Perhaps he's not just the go to guy for torture but for dramatic deaths as well?
Yeah, Gwen. Takes a lot for you to realize you're with Rhys.
For the record, I think Eve Myles is a nice person, but...why is Gwen the one to stay by Jack when he's dead? Seriously, I'm not sure I get that, especially her insistence on it after her scene with Rhys. Plus, a little overkill. Gwen staying for so long with him. Three days? I admire staying power, but damn.
Ianto's 'Brokeback Torchwood' moment is lovely too. Tears in his eyes, sniffing the coat. *hugs woobie!Ianto*
Okay, why is it her kiss that wakes him up? And I still don't get her whole staying by Jack thing.
And 'the kiss' is just awesome. I'm such a Jack/Ianto shipper. The look on Ianto's face when he sees Jack is again just made of win as is the awkward hug/kiss, as I've said before. ;) Wish I could write it. I did have a dream where I snogged John Barrowman because as I told him "I can't get a heterosexual man, so let's work with what we have." He was very...accomodating.
Jack's forgiveness of Owen is very Jesus like isn't it? But touching, very touching with the whole father/son dynamic.
Poor Jack saw nothing. *hugs* You'll get your doctor. In less than 10 seconds...
These are of course my two cents or however little that equals in pounds. *g* This was fun. I may do this for other episodes.
So to recap: Jack/Ianto=hot!ship.
Haven't seen 2x01 yet since it's not been on tv here...though I'm not sure whether I'll find a way to see it before then anyway. It's not like I'll be able to see it since I'll be at school and BBC America-less next weekend.
Okay, anyone notice that BBC America thinks most of us can't understand the British accent??? On to Graham Norton...God I miss BBC America at school!!!!
I think a trip to Cardiff may be fun. Hmmm....I mean, why not? It looks like a neat town. I'll have to see if there are any archives masters programs in Wales that I can check out while I'm there.