Every journal's the same. Boredom. Lolz.
I'm gonna update my deviantart soon, but I'm just too lazy. Today (meh day off, woo!) I sat around and talked on the phone ALL day, lol. It was fun. Then I downloaded new music and looked up some TH vids. I favorited a lot of new ones this past few days. *The weekend of ultimate unproductivity* XDD
I'm watching Family Guy. Poor Brian. Never gets a GF ><
I read online that all ppl (men, I should say) over 18 or 18 have to go into the military, and there was this big thing that TH would have to go....
Then it said that Gustav COULDNT go because he had bad eyesight w/out his glasses. He might go for paperwork tho. And Georg cant go because he has flat feet.....Lol??
Sooooo, the G's got rejected for miltary service bc of flat feet and eyesight. Crazy, ja?
But Bill and Tom might not go, so they wont have to cut their hair and take out their piercings DX They said they're putting it off as long as possible. :)
Oh well. Here's where I found the article:
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&FriendID=168921462&blogMonth=3&blogDay=29&blogYear=2007 GO CHECK IT OUT XD
16 days till the concert! WOOOO!!!