Zeig mir deine Pflaume. remember THAT?!

Jun 06, 2009 10:53

Wow, I just realized today I've been a fan of Tokio Hotel for one year. I know its not a lot compared to the oldies at th_apex, but hey! I've grown to be a super hyper weirdo fan in this fandom in a year pretty well!
~So I'm celebrating by watching some good old Tokio Hotel videos. xD Great shit, seriously, I love this band.

Later on today I have to go to my little cousin's recital. I love little kids. I can't wait to see it <3 ^_^

Last night we (me, Crystal and I) had girl time for the first time in like, 3 weeks. We were followed around by these bitches who almost got in a fight with Crystal. ahhhh, good times. =P

I burned my throat yesterday and now it REALLY hurts. owchie.

tokio hotel, ramble, friends

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