
Feb 05, 2009 20:08

Updates on the el boringo life-o.

Firstly: Jackasses like -insertnamehere- will no longer be mentioned on this journal, unless further stated. I'm moving on. Done. Completely fine, and for once, I think I mean it. I dont need people who treat me like shit and could careless about the true me. If people cannot accept me for me, then they lose out on a great friend. Pshh.

Okay. Now that that's done....phew. 0_o; Alrighty.

Secondly: MIDTERMS ARE OVER! and I actually did really, really well on the ones I took in class. I got a 97 in english honors, 87 in bio, and like, a 72 in math, when I thought I'd fail, so its really gut für mich! Also 100 is Spanish! GO ME! But, I took world history today, so results aren't in yet :\

Tommorow I'm going to see Coraline with the peeps. :D I really am excited to go because last week I couldn't (-lolgoseelastweek'srant-) and Kayla couldn't either. So, we are all going to get together and hang someplace and then see Coraline, which opens tommorow. Even though I really wanna see He' Just Not That Into You. But hey, can't have your cake and eat it too ^_~

Thats the plan for now :D Can't wait to totally chillax with the girls and forget about life. Its totally what I need right now.


In other news. Yesterday I took off from school cause I felt like it. After school Crystal invited me over and we headed to the mall. I was kidding when I said: "Let's totally buy a pet cause I have birthday money."

Not the ~best~ thing I ever suggested.

Crystal totally took me seriously. So the lady who ran the place took like EVER to trust us, but we finally got her trust and bought a female silky hamster. Crystal's mom like totes freaked out and her grandpa blew a fuse xD
In short: We walked home in the freezing cold. At night. In the dark. With a hamster and a huge cage. And I lost my cell phone. 0-o; BUT DONT WORRY! I found it c:

S'yeah. Crystal ADORES the thing. Can't blame her, its adorable <333 I We named it Pancake cuz it looks like one, same colors with a white tummy and this stripe that looks like butter!! ^_^

I still am kinda numb from frostbite on my feet.


pancake, random, rant, friends

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