(no subject)

Jul 16, 2007 10:47

OK. Well recently I was flying through the pages of myspace and I came across a friend’s blog about abortion. Now since I need to feel like I am not a complete moron like I have lately I need to have an “intelligent” “conversation” right now. I read this blog and it was from a religious perspective but I just needed to historically back-up or rather go on the opposite side of where this person is coming from.

First of all, it was implied in that said blog that abortion is murder and god doesn’t advocate murder. But I find it hard to have that very strict equation. At the early stages of pregnancy you have a fetus that is not fully functioning. They can not survive outside the womb. If you know you can prevent a life of pain and suffering before that fetus is at a stage of being able to survive outside the womb do we consider it murder? I mean the catholic church itself for hundreds of years have came out to say there is a point during pregnancy in which a fetus is a fetus and a person. Of course they didn’t phrase it as this is the point when abortion is and is not acceptable. But they have admitted there are points in pregnancy where there is a life and where there isn’t a life.

Another quote that I found interesting in this blog was “No matter how socially acceptable and norm it has become to this generation”. This is quite the opposite. Even the most puritan communities they had abortions and it was socially acceptable. I mean they have the highest morals than one could possibly achieve today and they did it. It wasn’t until the religious “right” came along to make this “immoral”. AND it wasn’t even this generation.

Another quote was “If you believe in God then you believe in the bible because it his word”. Now im not religious at all. The only religion I was really exposed to was going to church every once in a while and classes in college. Now when I was taking classes… the new testament was made not in the word of god it was written by prophets actually before that it was more the common man. So, I just don’t seem to get that one.

Ok everyone im off. Hope yall are having a great day. Talk to you later!
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