So something kind of cool happened to me yesterday afternoon- I was interviewed by NPR for a pending story.
It all started with an innocuous comment on the NPR Facebook page regarding hyphenated names. Working the medical industry, I have dealt with my fair share of crazy names and it never fails that the people with more than one last name usually have issues with filing insurance or even having their records stored correctly. I made a comment about this and also, in response to the women who felt they would "lose their identity if they changed their name", a comment about how I'm not my husband's property because I took his name, I'm simply his wife.
I'm an opinionated person by nature, but I usually assume that my opinion is mostly unimportant to the majority of the general public. Apparently the reporter who is researching for the story wanted my perspective so I ended up doing a 20 minute phone interview with the correspondent from Massachusetts.
I haven't told anyone except my husband (who couldn't believe I kept the impending interview from him for a week) and my mom, who like any good, flaming, socialist, liberal was super excited and proud. Believe it or not but I'm actually not the first of my immediate family to be on NPR. My dad was a musical guest on Prairie Home Companion last fall which would have been cooler if Mr. Keillor would have gotten his name right on air. *Facepalm*
So yeah, that's kind of neat.
In other news my friend Kim got so sick of all the abuse and hostile behavior within the last week at the old office that she left for lunch on Wednesday and never went back. That's my girl! :)
Can't wait to see her smiling face on Monday at my practice. :)
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