Bennett weighed in at 8lb 4 oz at birth. His head and chest both measured 14 cm.
Other hospital frustrations to follow:
I was very frustrated with the nursing staff at the hospital. I had at least 4-5 nurses try to convince me to either bottle feed, or supplement with the bottle. The first one to do so was on Bennett's second feeding. He wouldn't latch on right away. After only 5 minutes of trying, she was going to send my sister-in-law out to the nurses' desk to ask for a bottle to get him started. I told her I didn't want to try formula to get him started. He had one successful feed, so I was sure it would work again..and 5 minutes isn't a long time to try. She was pushing it and just as my SIL stood up to go to the nurses' desk, Bennett took hold and away he went. I just thought to myself, "Good boy!" I wouldn't have let her near him with the bottle, but I was so irritated that she was going to insist on it.
Since I was in isolation, and I was feeling pretty good, the doctor that refused to see me on Friday evening was forced to come see me on Saturday morning and he suggested that I go home. I was actually going to ask if I could go home a day early since I would be more comfortable and I was doing everything for the baby and myself, anyway. The only thing that the nurses did was take my blood pressure and give me medication when needed.
So, they came and weighed him. His weight dropped down to 7lb 5oz. They all freaked and were going to keep us there to weigh him on Sunday. However, he had also been tested for jaundice and his billiruben level was up to 14.9. So, I had to go into the clinic the next day to get it rechecked, anyway. Why couldn't I just check a weight at that time? Home would be so much better. However, they insisted (they, as in the nurse) I must stay because that is what the pediatric doctor ordered.
I asked that nurse if I couldn't just supplement his feedings with pumped colostrum to make sure he was getting enough. Her response: That would be way too much work, you need to just supplement with formula. I went back and forth with her about it. If I am willing to do the work, what difference would it make to her??
AND, my blood pressure had skyrocketed. I wonder why!! I was just in tears and so frustrated and ready to just walk out of the hospital. I probably would have if I didn't know better. Insurance doesn't have to pay if you leave against medical advice.
They said the blood pressure was probably a result of the fluid shift. Remember how I complained I was so swollen?? Well, in the 11 days he has been around, I have lost 30 pounds! I had gained 45 by the end of it all...So, I am up 15 pounds from the start of the pregnancy.
So, after talking to the charge nurse (because I was just so upset over all the stuff happening), I felt much better. She is actually a lactation consultant and she was very upset to learn that so many nurses were trying to discourage me from breastfeeding. She also arranged that I could just go home on Saturday, as long as I went to the clinic on Sunday.
So, they were so worried about Bennett's weight, and what really frustrated me was that he was just circumcized Saturday and he wasn't up for eating and every time he actually WAS about to eat, I had someone coming in to do something to me, or to him. So, I asked them how he was supposed to gain any weight by Sunday (the next day) if this was the case. Supplement (silly me).
I went home Saturday evening and I fed Bennett vigorously. Sunday, he had gained 3 oz. However, his billiruben level had jumped up to 16.8. So, I had to take him home and put him on a billi-blanket. The doc also said I needed to supplement his feedings with pedialite to make sure he didn't get dehydrated. However, I am a rebel, and saw no signs of dehydration, and noticed he was eating a lot better, and I only fed him. I told them I was supplementing with more pumped milk, however...But, I wasn't since he was eating so much better. I took him back Monday. His weight was up another 2 oz. and his levels were down to 14.8. I was able to take him off of the blanket and had to take him back again on Tuesday to get measured. They went down to 14.3. So, he has been off the blanket for almost a week now. His color looks a lot better.
However, he also had an eye infection. Either that or blocked tear ducts, the doc said it looked more like an infection because of the redness in his eye. So, he has been on eyedrops for a week. Today will be his last day of getting them.
The poor kid has been through a lot these first days of his life.
Sorry this was so long.......