Ryan's dog Baby

Jun 07, 2005 21:39

So i was talking to ryan earlier and she was sad because she has to move to an apartment where she can not have her dog, Baby. So i told her i was going to write a journal entry on all the different ways i could steal her dog, so here it is. First i could sneak through your window in the middle of the night and throw her in a black duffle bag. I could also do a whole mission impossible thing and come donw from her ceiling on a rope and pick up baby then run. There is the ninja way where i sneak in and wait till she goes to bed and snatch her. the I dont care way where i simply grab her when ryan opens the door and run. I am sure there are many more like driving up in my car throwign her in the back then speedign away, but i just cant seem to be able to think of anything. maybe i should try gettign some sleep that seems to help...sometimes. Anywho alot has happened in my life in the las t48 hours i finally made the move out of my moms house to my dads. I did it while my mom was at work and she was maaaad when she got home. I tried to explain why i did it but she wouldnt listen. well anywho so now im at my dads where i am so much more comfortable and more welcomed i love it. tomarrow im gonna try to post some of my mindless poetry so hurry back my pets *Grin*
Ja Ne
P.S. Rissy you know im kidding and i would never hurt an animal, especially not Baby *Hugs*
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