Jun 13, 2008 22:03
You know what? You guys don't even have to ask... OF COURSE VAMPIRES! I don't freakin' care if anyone (even my best friends) think otherwise! I have this one friend (you know who you are) who thinks that vampires are nail-cleaning gay bastards... Well, that may be true for some vampires- the particularly gay ones like in Van Helsing or older movies- but Edward Cullen was never mantioned to have cleaned his nails (they were already perfect). Besides, so if your dad cleans his nails (we all know he does or they'd be filled with life-sucking vermin!) he's gay? That is just judgmental and WRONG. Grrr... As for my other friends.... well, they don't really have such a harsh opinion on the matter and let's just leave it at that...
Sorry, I never told "my dear friend" (don't you dare question the quotation marks!) that her remarks truly hurt me *sighs dramatically* and instead I kept it all inside until I exploded when I saw the question. THANK YOU LJ! For helping me let it all out... Haha, that friend still happens to BE dear to me *winks laughingly* My mood just changed drastically- I'M HAPPY AGAIN!!!
WOW, that felt good... I've NEVER done that before... *laughs hysterically*
Remember people... Never keep anything inside.... :-)
writer's block,