Things I'd like to do in 2011

Jan 03, 2011 00:31

The idea of this list is borrowed from caffeine_fairy as I thought it was a good idea and isn't just a list of resolutions that I will break within the first week!

So, in no particular order:

- Get a new job (having been made redundant on 31st Dec 2010). This one probably does need to be at the top because earning money to do the rest of the stuff on this list would kind of be useful

- Go to the gym for the first time in months

- Pick up running again. I can no longer use my foot as an excuse not to run as actually it's not hurt me for weeks now

- Use Facebook less. I like it for keeping in touch with people. I don't like it because of the timesink it is.

- Watch some of the DVDs that I own and have never watched

- Clean  the house from top to bottom

- Tidy the cellar and hire a skip to throw out everything that I honestly don't need. If necessary I might grab some friends to help me be ruthless

- Strip the bathroom ceiling and repaint with bathroom friendly paint (might get smescrater 's help with this!)

- Take the tiles up from the kitchen floor and get a replacement floor (either tiles or cushioned lino)

- Attend burlesque classes. Not sure I would ever get to the point of starring in a show but I think the lessons themselves would improve my confidence

- Improve my wardrobe i.e. get out of the jeans and t-shirt look!

- Read more books, especially some of the classics and non fiction

- Get more sleep. Am failing at this already given that it's gone midnight but at least I can have a lie-in tomorrow

- Do more experimental cooking. I'm very good at following recipes but not very good at creating my own

- Update LJ more regularly. I think blogging about stuff that's happening in my life stops me dwelling on it so much

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