London visit :-)

Oct 18, 2009 13:55

So this weekend, smescraterwanted an excuse to get out of Manchester for the weekend having sent the last few months studying for his Prince2 exam. The original plan was to spend a good chunk of time with thalinoviel  and
bytepilot but as he was laid up in bed with the lurgy he wasn't up to doing a lot other than staring blankly at the wall going blargh.

We got down to Edgware about 10pm and had a couple of hours chilling out before bed. Yesterday I met a friend for lunch in Camden whilst smescraterwas bytepilot's understudy in his regular monthly RPG game over at Southall. This was followed by again being stand-in at Sue's 50th party in the evening. He arrived home at about 2am which woke me up but I'd had a couple of hours sleep by then so wasn't too grumpy!

This morning, thalinovieltook bytepilotto the doc's as despite a course of antibiotics he still didn't seem to be getting any better. So the doc decided he really was ill and sent him straight off to the local hospital and it turns out he has developed a lung infection which has spread from one of his lungs to both of them. At the moment they don't know how long he'll have to stay in for but Jane will be staying with him for the rest of the day.

So at the moment I'm chilling out spodding and watching Robots as I've never seen it before.

Update: bytepilotwas sent home from hospital yesterday evening with strong antibiotics and tamiflu - just in case it was swine flu. Hopefully he'll be on the mend soon.
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