Update from Seattle trip part 2

Sep 12, 2009 17:30

This is extremely belated but thought I'd post about the rest of our Seattle trip - from what I can remember anyway. That'll teach me to leave it so long to blog stuff.

I think the three highlights from the remainder of the holiday were:
  • Watching the sunset over Seattle - this was something I got to do by myself last year but this year I was able to share this with my hubby which was really nice
  • Going out for teriyaki with everyone on the last night of our Seattle trip - the company was excellent, the food was gorgeous and it made us fall in love with Seattle just that little bit more!
  • Wine tasting with Katie, Sechin and Katie's dad. We had no idea that Washington State was wine country - and oh wow, the wines were gorgeous! We bought 4 bottles and managed to get all of them home safely in the suitcases as well :-
All of this definitely makes me want to go back next year! Not least to see all of our friends again - although once a year doesn't seem like nearly enough!!
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