Smut: What does it mean to you?

Dec 08, 2008 07:45

Following several ... discussions on my flist about smut, I've decided to ask the general fandom for their input too.

I've found that in recent time, the number of smut fic has gone up and the plot fics ... have gone down. Now every once in a while, a bit of PWP is good for the soul, but there are good smut writers out there and need-more-experience smut writers out there (I do not write smut at all cos I know I am bad at it ;) ) Mostly there are more good than not, but even the ones that couldn't possibly happen (Jack&Ianto coming simialstaniously (yeah, I know I spelt that wrong) twice in the same fic within about 5 minutes) - I personally do not know any man who could do that *ever* time and live a normal life - get lot's of comments about how *hot* it is, yet the ones that get me hot under the collar barely gets a mention. So the big question is:

What is it that makes a good smut fic? Is it the fact that Jack/Ianto come twice in a matter of minutes? That it's hot enough to want to finish yourself off/find your partner? That it's emotional or the other way round, it's a mean to an end? And why is it?

And then at the other end of the spectrum, what is it that turns you off a smut fic? The use of scientific word, not only in background noises, but dialoge? The fact Jack and Ianto seem to have enoug stamina to keep a football team going for a while? And if you do find some smut you don't like - do you finish reading it like a car crash or do you stop and close the window?

fic, smut, character: ianto jones, discussion, fandom: torchwood, character: captain jack

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