Tonight's The Night write-up

Feb 16, 2009 18:30

Well, this is likely to be rather boring and I'm also likely to miss somes stuff out, but ah well, here we go. Again, this goes out to everyone who lives their JB fangirl lives through me :D

I was working till 11 pm Saturday and was up at 7 am on Sunday to catch the 10 am train. Finally got to London, and the Victoria line was closed, cue much travelling around the Tube taking half an hour instead of 5 minutes. Couldn't find Lucy ( starlight30) because I went out the wrong exit and they were waiting in the wrong place (totes your fault bbs ;)) After much OMGWHEREREYOUZ on the phone, we all met up! Lucy had forgotten her tights so we had to go and stake out Primarks which caused more WHERETHEFUCKISTHISSHOP? After walking down (or maybe up) Oxford Street, we gave up and bought tights from H&M, where I had to buy some pretty earrings (BECAUSE LUCY MADE ME LOOK!)

Anyway, after much deliberation we went to McDonalds for dinner before heading for the studios. Lucy made us giggle with her lettuce covered in something that she said was mayo; but DID NOT LOOK LIKE IT. Should have taken a photo babe ;)

So after stuffing ourselves with food, we took the tube (thankfully uneventful apart from the utter rudeness of some people) to White City and headed for the studios. We were 30, 31, and 32 in the queue, and we were what; about four hours early? But we were there so all was good. We read Lucy's Torchwood magazine; which the Jay dude (cute, but married) called us Geeks even though his wife loves the show - he said He'd never watched it! :O Cue much shock and OMGWHYNOTMR.JAY? When Luce and Claire went on a Drink expedition to Costa, it stated to rain, and even though we were under the cover, we still got wet because the rain came from the opposite direction. Grrr.

Before we got into the actual studio lot; we were given more questionnaires to fill in. Which safe to say: we didnt. However, we did have great fun. I am Dave, age 35, part-time taxidetmist/part time drag act whse only dream is to perform onstage as a woman AND GLITTER. My secret is that I can talk to Whales :P which made us laugh harder as you will understand later. Lucy became a 65 yo taxi driver. Yes, we are cool :P (Claire, how come you didn't get made into anything? THIS MUST CHANGE BB!)

Finally got into through the first door, where I had to take off two coats, my bag, my ipod and phone and also my belt (my trousers fall down without it) through the xray thingy. Lucy got through but left her vaseline pot in her pocket :P Haha, silly!Luce. Got through all of that (Claire had to take her belt off too) and we passed a real life mahoosive TARDIS. Bloody exciting let me tell you! Cue pictures and peering inside to see what was inside (IT WAS THE REAL TARDIS, The Doctor must have been out). When we got inside the Audience Lounge after that slight distraction, we sat down and watched the slidey show with clips from BBC shows. Me and Claire must have watched that about 30 times in the hour we were actually waiting. It had everything: The one second Torchwood shot (where we squeed Torchwood everytime), Merlin shots, Doctor Who and lots of shots of JB with the TARDIS and him talking (mm, such a sexy voice!) During this slideshow, there was a little bit about animals (DID YOU KNOW THE WHALE IS 100 FOOT LONG ;)) with JB talking over the top which againcaused much distraction.

At about quarter past six we actually got into the TV studio which was much smaller than I was expecting, but still managed to fit about 200/300 people in. On stage, there was a shell seat thing that I really wanted John to sit in <3 Cue Terry. Now Terry is awesome (Happy Birthday!) and was the warm-up sent to keep us amused during the set changes/wardrobe changes/etc. He made up practice our whoops, whislting, clapping and OUCH, theamount of times I clapped during the three hours HURT (luckily Luce had her handcream .... again WRONG). Possibly Claire told me that Scott was sitting on the other side (and it was deifinately Claire that told me that Ben Ellis - one of the Joesph's was sitting next to him). Luce spotted Gavin poking his head out jsut before JB walked out in a shiny purply/silver suit that clung in all the right places and a black shirt. Absolutely gorgeous.

Becuase obviously the filming wasn't in order, we first had a little girl who used to trampoline until she had an accident causing her to break her arm in two places and lost her confidence. Unfortuantly she couldn't perform anymore. A video was then shown about John suprising her and her Mum at an aquarium where she almost died from the shock - I know I would too :P So she came onto the show dressed as Ariel (blue sparkly seqined dress with a flipper and everything!) She sang "Part of your world" and half way through the song Jodie Prenger came onto the stage, shocking her again! LOL bless John, as he had tissues ready in his pockets and used by Jodie, the little girl and himelf :D He's so cute ^_^

I can't really remember what we did in order from now on, so you'll just get bits an pieces.

I went to Friday Night is Music Nght, and was very disappointed that John didn't sing (and would you believe that Claire was there too? ::headdesk::) so the fact he sang, not only once, but TWICE during this new show made me all kinds of happy!! He opended the show with 'All Night Long' (very adpat ;)) getting us all on our feet and clapping away and closed swith "Love is in the Air". It always makes me laugh that John looks so proud when he successfully completes his dancemoves (and they were very cool dance routines!) I am very glad that his voice is back on full form after his throat infection :(

FIRE. <3 The Stage Fright was amazing. Basically, every week John will go against a celebrity opponaent. He came down the stairs through the audience in a blue like dressing gown type thing that wrestlers wear with a sparkly "JB" on the back. BIG "JB". The pilot's opponent was Matt Dawson: the rugby player. Anyway, got distracted by John's arms - biceps like WOAH - which John totally milked! The task was to do some (complicated) moves with fire batons! <3 Both of them were absolutely amazing and although Matt was awesome, his moveswere more .... rigid than John who super secret move was to roll the fire baton aroundhis neck without his hands and then threw it up into the air I think? John did drop the baton though (which was totally part of the act ;) ) but they were both still stunning! Unsuprisingly, John won, but Matt's chosen charity was still given the money.

Hmm, next we had a guy called John (secruity guard called Big John by his friends) who was called on for the fact he hadn't bought his girlfriend a present (valentine/christmas or birthday) for the 3 years they'd been together. Cue Ben Adams (from A1 if anyone rmembers them) wooing the said girlfriend in a video and then singng "Tell He About it". The Cagelles from La Cage Aux Folles (DRAG ACT. OMG. ME, LUCE AND CLAIREARE PSYCHIC) performed their hilarious routine - I loved the guy in the black wig if anyone was taking notes ;) Near the end of the show, Big John (not to be confused with JB please) appeared in a yellow wig (vereh sexeh) and a red ruffled dress and sexy knickers too! He did the routine very well while his girlfriend stood with John dying from laughter. He was amazing! Bless him. And he told her "I know I don't tell you this often enough, but I do love you" which made us all go awwww. It was very well done.

Somewhere during the filming, John righted a performance wrong. We watched a video of a man on mastermind who only scored a total of ONE in his specialist subject "The films of Jim Carrey". Basically, he had the chance to do it over by asking him questions on his specialist subject and only had to double his score to win (and in case you weren't reading: TWO). To be honest, he didn't look too happy even when sexy girls were dancing around him - looking at John he was trying to cue him to dance a little bit as he was just stood there looking blankly at the cameras.

On the questionnarie we were all sent, one of the questions was do you have a secret talent that nobody knows about, but you want to tell them? Well they had filmed the wife at home on a Tuesday evening whilst her husband was apparantly working - well suprising, he wasn't. He'd been learning to play guitar and had formed a band with his friends who performed on stage. They were quite good actually :P Though the wife was a bit ... um .... clingy to John who nearly draged him back to her seat with her. Scary lady!

This man, called Bradley, wife had written into the BBC to explain about her husband. He works as a policemen who works within his community helping build a bond between teens (and children) and the police force. He loves to perform so combined this with his job,setting up a Community Idol talent contest which took (did they say a year or something) to organise while his father was dying :( The talent contest was a success and is now being taken on by other communities with an information pack. He came on stage(looking stunning, I might add) singing "Have you met Miss Jones?" (which I adore) and sang brilliantly, even dancing in the middle too!! Absolutely brilliant!

All in all a fantastic night and I hope to God tht the pilot is aired because it seems a shame that Bradley may never get national recognition for his work, or the Fire baton routine should be for us only. Everyone deserves to see that! ::fingers crossed:: yeah?

The End

filming: tonights the night, charli, lucy, real person: john barrowman, real life, real person: scott gill

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