Skins Series 3

Jan 23, 2009 20:15

is rather amazing considering Chris is dead and everyone has left. I didn't particaually have high expectations for the new series, but it blew me away.

Firstly: JJ = <3 "and McFly. Girls like McFly!" Awwww I want him.

Katie is a bitch, and Emily is again, very aww worthy, I have a feelig she might come out of her shell a bit.

And I have to say: I love Effy's eyes so much - they are so gorgeous. Damn her.

Effy's Dad is so much WIN :P

Cook's scene with Sid's locker - AWWWW. Sid/Cassie, btu anyway, he reminded me so much of Chris and made me sad :(

And Freddie, bless him. Freddie/Effy love.

... yeah that is all.

character: jj, character: katie, character: freddie, fandom: skins, character: effy

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