Title: Janiveer
Character: Ianto(/Jack)
Written for
redismycolour day 13 prompt
Summary: The blackest month in all the year, Is the month of Janiveer
For Ianto, January was the worst month of the year. Any year. Every year. Without fail. Just pick one:
When he was five years old, his big sister had run away during the new year celebrations and found a week later dead behind the rubbish bins outside of a fast-food restaurant.
At ten years old, Ianto's Tad, Daffyd, had passed away quietly in his sleep surrounded by his family and closest friends.
When he was fourteen years old, he'd gotten so hammered during a new year party, he'd slept with his girlfriend's best friend. It hadn't ended well by any stretch of the imagination.
At eighteen, Ianto dropped out of University after barely four months. To be totally honest, he was surprised to have survived that long.
When he was twenty years old, Ianto was snapped up by Torchwood 1 and offered training in all aspects: gun handling, psi training, paperwork handling, and most of all; killing.
And at twenty-six, Ianto Jones died in the month of January on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, still waiting for his Captain to come save them all.