Writer in a Drawer...

Jan 14, 2008 16:00

So I made it to Week 5 (or 6 if you count the Xmas 'special'), unfortuantly me and
cs_whitewolf got voted out this week (but we still rawk!) *cough*HappyBirthday*cough*

I know this week 's entry was very weak as I didn't actually get my idea until Wednesday (thanks to
dr_is_in) - and in a way I'm glad to be out of the challenge, because some of the comments that some people are getting are becoming totally over the top (in my opinion) and verging on bitching. So good luck to
dr_is_in and

So anyways, here's my round up for WIAD #1

Challenge: 1.01: First times.
Title: Coffee
Pairing: Jack/Ianto if you squint.

“Sir, are you sure you can manage?”

“Yes, Ianto, I’m not a complete imbecile.” Jack crouched down to reach into the cupboard to get the equipment.

“I didn’t say-”

“I’ve watched you….,” Standing up, he placed a bag of coffee on the counter.


“…the master, many times.” Jack pulled open the bag, the waft of coffee beans reaching his nose.

“I’m perfectly capable of making the coffees, sir, I’m sure you have much more important things to do.” He watched, grimacing as Jack poured a very large amount of ground coffee into the filter.

“Ianto, I’ve already told you once,” Jack paused, carefully pouring cold water into the correct compartment. “Making us coffee is not part of your job description.”

“But, sir…..,”

“Ianto, go.” He paused again as he slowly placed the lid onto the machine. “That’s not a request, Ianto, It’s an order.” Ianto sighed softly. “Stop flapping, I’ll be fine.”

“It’s not you I’m worried about.” he muttered as he left the room, finally admitting defeat.

“Ta-da!” Jack emerged from the kitchen, which was amazingly still in one piece and giving off no smoke, to see three eager faces and one quite distressed face. Slowly he passed around the correct mugs; the welsh dragon for Gwen, Owen’s “Genius and knows it” mug, Japanese proverbs for Tosh, Ianto’s plain green mug and Jack’s own “Smile, if you had sex last night” mug.

Holding up her mug, Tosh stood up, toasting, “To Jack, congratulations on your first cup of coffee, may it be first of many.” And with tentative sniffs, they all drank.

Now, Jack had to give them credit for their poker faces, because they were all smiles and praise, but as soon as he’d left the room, they simultaneously upped and ran to the bathroom leaving Ianto sitting on the couch sipping hot chocolate from his green mug.

Challenge: 1.02: Wild Boys and Girls on Film.
Title: Last Man Standing.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto (maybe if you go crosseyed)

Always the last man standing.

Quigorates was one of his first missions in the Time Agency. His mission leader and close friend had died for him. “Be proud, Jack, You’re a fine agent,” Two hours later Jack had walked into their office half dragging and half carrying Sam’s dead-weight body.

World War I killed the love of his life and best friend, James Harper; tortured because he was weaker! Maybe he hadn’t been physically tortured, but mentally…that will live with him for the rest of his life.

Fairies in Lahore, on a boy’s night out, the guys ran over one of their “chosen ones”. A day later and they were dead; they’d paid the highest price. Then, Cardiff, a sweet old lady who’d only wanted to see her childhood fairies…he lost her; if only he’d been quicker.

World War III where he’d seen so many die during that time. His team was tight knit, his heart breaking in two every time one of them came back dead…or didn’t come back at all. “Last man standing” took on a new meaning when all who survived were the Manaloe’s and Jack.

World War II saw war, guns, nanogenes…the Doctor and Rose, bombs. Finally taking responsibility of his actions, willing to sacrifice himself just that once, and then the Doctor saved him…gave him a second chance.

Daleks on Satellite 5. ‘Led like a lamb to the slaughter’. That’s what he did to those 18 people gutsy enough to take a stand.

Guns running on empty and backed against the wall. Not good.

“Exterminate!” a Dalek cried, raising their weapons. Jack faces them, his eyes full of defiance. At least he’ll die a hero this time.

“I kinda figured that.”

Maybe that was why the Doctor left him behind…

Cybermen and Daleks together, on Earth. This time, the Doctor saved them. With Cybermen crossing over from one world to the next, all he could do was watch as two of his colleagues…two of his best friends get shot down dead within three seconds. He vowed then to never get close to anyone again.

And now…this, the beast.

With a cry of anger, he staggers forward.

Last man standing? Not this time.


“He does not look down. He does not look back.” Gwen whispers, gently stroking Jack’s hair. The team gathers around the drawer, silently watching their dead Captain. Tears slip through closed eyes.

He was finally at peace.

Challenge: 1.03: Under the Influence.
Title: Love is a strange thing.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto.

"Where's Jones, McTile?" Yvonne's pretty face rested on her hands.

"Ianto's called in sick, Ma'am." Hands shaking, McTile's thrust a piece of paper onto the desk.

"Ianto Jones is one of our best employees; always going above and beyond the call of duty." Yvonne's voice was tight, yet McTile's shoulders relaxed slightly.


"He hasn't had a day off since he started here, nearly three years ago - he only had two hours off when he had his leg put into plaster. He didn't even ask for a day off when his mother died…" Yvonne paused, tapping her fingers absentmindedly on her desk. McTile slowly edged backwards, his eyes on Yvonne as she didn't move. "Check on him." McTile let out a small sigh.

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Ianto Jones!" Lisa whispered, shocked at the phone call. She twisted round in the bed sheets to get a good look at Ianto. He sat with his back to her, shoulders slumped and wearing a frown. "What's wrong?" she asked pulling him down onto the bed.

"I haven't had a day off in three years."

"Well, in that case - you deserve this time off!" Lisa said, her hands trailing across his stomach.

"No, you don't understand, it feels…" Ianto looked up, his eyes meeting Lisa's. "It feels fantastic!" Lisa giggled as an uncharacteristic grin spread across Ianto's handsome face. "I should do this more often," he whispered pulling Lisa in for a kiss.

"Oh no! Ianto Jones - you've gone over to the bad side!"

"You're a bad influence on me,"


Can't imagine the time when this isn't everything. Pain so constant, like my stomach's full of rats. Feels like this is all I am now. There isn't an inch of me that doesn't hurt.


"Ma'am," McTile's voice came over the comm.


"He's not here." He explained, proud his voice only wavered once.

"Where the hell is he, McTile?"

"I don't know, Ma'am!

"Did I not tell you to find him?" Yvonne asked politely. He could hear her tapping her nails impatiently on the desk.


"Well find him!" And she was gone.


"I love you," Ianto whispered, rolling off her and placing kisses along her shoulder.

"I love you too." Lisa replied, stroking his face softly.


" I'm ... not giving up on her. I love her. Can you understand that, Jack? Haven't you ever loved anyone?"


"That's not very hygienic." Ianto frowned watching as the little terror ran across the kitchen sides. Lisa placed the tin of food down on the counter.

"But he's so cute…" Lisa cooed, stroking him gently and making doe-eyes at Ianto. It sounded like the fur ball hissed at him before leaping off the counter and headed into the bedroom.

"A boyfriend could get jealous around here," Ianto watched her subtle curves move against the silk gown as she placed the bowl down on the ground.

"Well, I guess you're cute too."

"Only cute?" Ianto asked shocked. Lisa stuck out her tongue and turned around to wash her hands.

"Don't fish for compliments; it's unbecoming of you." She pecked his cheek. "And Merlin's got your socks."


"Lisa Hallett, aged 26 and works with the techies." Yvonne relayed.

"Ianto has a girlfriend?"

"Ianto Jones is having an interoffice relationship."

"What should I do?"

"Does he look happy?" McTile looked in at the domesticated scene. Ianto was paying tug of war with a ferret and Lisa was laughing at the sight.

"Yes." Laughing, Ianto fell to the floor as the ferret won. "Happiest I've seen him in a long while."

"Leave him be for now."


"Her name's Lisa. She's my girlfriend."


"Your bloody weasel!"

"It's a ferret, not a weasel, Ianto."

"I don't care - he chewed my socks." Ianto pouted at Lisa, holding up the offending item.

"They smelt nice." Lisa stroked Merlin, letting him chew on her own sock.

"That thing has an obsession."

"And you don't?" Lisa raised an eyebrow.



"That's not an obsession."


"No." Ianto shook his head. "It's a fetish."


"Give Ianto a stopwatch, and he's happy."

"It's the button on the top." Ianto smirks.


McTile watched as Ianto brought round the first coffee of the day.

"And you're not going to do anything?"

"No." They fell silent as Ianto walked over, brandishing two mugs. "I trust you're feeling better, Ianto."

"Much better, thank you. A day off was just what I needed." Ianto nodded briefly.

"I'm glad. Will you make it to the Christmas Ball?"

"I'm not sure, ma'am, Lisa and I…we're going to spend a night in."


"My girlfriend, ma'am."


"When did you last ask me anything about my life?" Ianto spat. Jack lowered his gun.

Challenge: 1.99: Gift Giving.
Title: Never Romantic
Pairing: Jack/Ianto.

Jack had never been the romantic type; living in the 51st century and, well dancing in every ‘port’ made these things expensive. But he’d lived on this planet for over a century now and had become accustomed to their funny little ways. There’s Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day and all the little holidays in-between - all commercialized ways of getting you to spend more money, so he’d vetoed it. There was no reason when he was going to be around a hell of a long time anyway and there’d never been a special person to share them with…


“Coffee, sir.” Ianto handed the warm mug to Jack, seeing there was no available space available on his desk.

“Thanks, Ianto.” Jack hugged the coffee in his hands and inhaled deeply, letting out a sigh of content.

“Anything else before I go?”

“No.” Jack paused.


“Actually, my bathroom does need a quick clean,”

“Tonight, sir?” Ianto’s face remained passive.

“I’m sorry, do you have plans?” Ianto sighed.

“No, sir.”

“Pretty please,” Jack begged, using his renowned doe-eyed look. “I’ll bring champagne,”

“Of course, sir, how could I resist?” quipped Ianto. “I’ll get my cleaning supplies and-”

“It’s all down there, ready and waiting.” Jack interrupted, taking a sip of his coffee.

“I’ll get right on it, sir.” Ianto headed towards the open hatch. Jack muttered his thanks before turning back to his paperwork. Once Ianto had disappeared down the manhole, Jack opened his top drawer, grabbed the supplies and headed down after him.


Ianto stepped off the ladder. Jack’s room - if it could be called that - was a mess, again! He sighed; it was going to be a long night. He walked/stumbled over to Jack’s bathroom and opened the door hesitantly.

Candle light flickered, two champagne glasses sparkled, presents adorned the surfaces, some sort of incense filled the air, a bubble bath was waiting; lube propped up against the sink, a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped themselves around him, and a wrapped, heavy, circular present dropped into his free hand.

“Happy Valentines Day, Yan.”


Exactly 2 hours, 13 minutes and 38 seconds later, when all was quiet, both sated and Ianto asleep, Jack went through things in his head.

Candles: £2.50.

Card: £3.

Box of chocolates: £4.99

Champagne: £10.

Stopwatch: £34.50 (from eBay)

Handcuffs: Standard Police Issue.

The look on Ianto’s face: Priceless.

Challenge: 1.04: A pictures worth a 100 words.
Title: We are Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/OFC
But he saved you....

Challenge: 1.05: Oops
Title: Secret Recipe

Owen cursed loudly as his elbow knocked into a bag of hard candies, sending them spilling off the counter onto the floor in a brightly coloured rainbow while he fumbled to shut the coffee machine off. The candies crunched under his feet, the coffee machine whirled and spluttered, even the tables and chairs seemed out to get him as he tripped over the leg and slid on another candy, landing on the floor -- hard.

Suddenly smoke began pouring out of the machine and he just stared dumbfoundedly at it, almost willing it to stop. Then the alarms started. Owen groaned and vowed this was the last time he was going to try and make coffee. He quickly scrabbled to his feet as Ianto ran through the door with mussed hair and wearing a haphazardly buttoned shirt.

“Owen!” Ianto cried, reaching around the machine, flicking the switch and stopping the machine gurgling.  . Reaching for a tea-towel, Ianto began waving away the smoke, a flapping sound filling the silence once the alarms had stopped. “What did you do?”

“What?” Owen asked, scowling at the tea-boy.  Ianto glared at him and placed the towel down to examine the machine. “Look, if you did your job instead of shagging the boss, then maybe I wouldn’t have to make my own coffee.”

“Do you want me to shoot you again?”

“You missed.”

“I was aiming for your shoulder.

“You missed.” Owen denied, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ianto paused, bending down and looking at the machinery again. He sighed in exasperation when he realized what the problem was.

“Do you want to test that?” Ianto asked as he poked inside the machine.

“I didn’t do anything.”

“The fact you were touching my coffee machine is bad enough…” Ianto held up the filter with a sticky center.  “But what the hell were you thinking, putting candy in here?”


Owen frowned in frustration as he examined the gleaming contraption. A coffee machine of all things would not defeat him.

“I’ve battled harder sudoku puzzles than this,” he muttered to himself, popping a piece of candy into his mouth. Picking up the bag of coffee, he struggled to open it and sent beans flying everywhere it finally gave way.

‘That’s impressive.’ Owen smirked, nodding to himself as he poured the beans into the machine and picked up the jug to add water. Some spilled over the side, displaced by the beans. ‘This is too easy.’  Owen smiled smugly as he picked up another candy and threw it in the air to catch it, but it bounced off his teeth and landed in the coffee machine.  He considered digging it out for a moment and then shrugged dismissively.

“Oh well.” He closed the lid and pressed the button.

End Flashback

“…Don’t touch, don’t go near my coffee machine, and just stay away from this room.”

“I made a mistake - I’m a twat, what do you expect?”

“Just don’t touch!”

fic, character: team, character: ianto jones, character: owen harper, challenge, character: captain jack, challenge: writer in a drawer

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