I totally blame lonelyangel_x for this

Dec 24, 2008 10:49

Snagged from lonelyangel_xagain ;) ILU for feeding my meme-ness ;) however, my entire flist is likely to hurt you ;)

Choose five series (no peeking before you choose them), list them, and then answer the questions behind the cut.

1. Torchwood.
2. Doctor Who
3. Merlin.
4. Friends.
5. Charmed.

1. Which is your favourite series from your list? And why?
Anyoen that knows me will know the answer to this. Torchwood, although Merlin comes in a very close second. I don't specfically know why, it is the one programme (bar Merlin) that I will make time to sit down and watch and make sure that I'm not out or working, etc. I know some of the episodes were duds (Adrift minus *that* scene, Random shoes) but then you get the amazing ones that literally have you sobbing (Exit Wounds) or screaming at the telly (Reset) or get your heart racing, mind spinning. I love Torchwood so much. Although I started in hte Doctor Who fandom, Torchwood is my baby :)

2. If you were to pair two characters from 1 and 4, who would they be?
LULZ oooo, probably Jack (it has to be Jack) and ..... Joey (even though he's not gay - he would be for Jack though, baltes ;)). I think they're pretty similiar in terms of being the one that could and would shag anything :P Great pairing. Jack/Ianto/Joey anyone?

3. What is one thing you'd like to change about 3's plotline?

4. If both main characters of 2 and 5 were falling off a cliff, which one would you save?
Ah see, is Merlin or Arthur the main character in Merlin, and who counts as main character in Charmed? Even still, I would save Merlin/Arthur - they're too pretty to die falling off a cliff :D

5. Which event was the most horrible for you in 1?
Owen not knowing that Tosh was hurt and dying :(

"Give me one good bloody reason why...I shouldn't keep screaming!"
"Because you're breaking my heart."

6. Which is your least favorite character of 2?
Martha I think actually. I just never clicked with her tbh after Rose.

7. If the antagonist of 3 were to rape the main character of 1, what would you do?
So Nimueh raping Jack? I would send Kickass!Ianto after that bitch to steal her beautiful dress (for jemzamia  of course) who would hurt her with his stungun!kickass!ways. And as teamrodent  rightly said, Jack would also want a piece of that bitch.

8. What song reminds you of 5?
Canon in D wedding march
Leo and Piper's wedding <3

9. Of 1, 3, and 5, which is the easiest to think about?
LULZ in terms of Timeline? Definately not Torchwood and it's PLOTHOLES, hmm, Merlin maybe?

10. Are the protagonists of 2 and 4 similar?
No, not really.

fandom: friends, meme, fandom: doctor who, fandom: merlin, fandom: torchwood, fandom: charmed

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