Apr 27, 2009 20:47
My friend told me she thinks it's more scary to "grow up" when you're doing it on purpose, you know, planning for it and preparing and trying to be responsible, rather than just jumping head first into the things that require responsibility. She's totally right. I'm psyching myself out about all the "grown up" things I'm supposed to be doing now, even though we're totally prepared for it...way more than your average joe on the street, and they do these things every day.
I was wondering why other people I know don't seem to be freaking out about things like me, and no, I don't consider myself in need of therapy, why do you ask? But then I realized one of my friends who has been talking about having babies for about a year has just postponed it again for another 6 months, which made me realize she's freaking out too. Being an adult has a lot of responsibility that if you think about it too much it can be really paralyzing. For me anyway. But that's why you have a partner to talk you down off the ledge and make you see that you've already prepared for the worst, so might was well enjoy and hope for the best.
Atleast that's what I try to convince myself every night as I try to fall asleep.