Unrelated ramblings

Apr 24, 2007 10:58

My cat hasn't been well for the last day or so. He was really lethargic yesterday and his eyes looked really sore. Mum has taken him to the vet and it turns out he has an abscess under his eye, which probably came from a fight. He's in surgery right now.

Today's newpaper is so stupid. There's an article about how the gun rights groups in America are using the Virginia Tech massacre as support for their cause, saying that if there had been less gun control on campus people whould have been able to defend themselves. I can just imagine their thought process:

"Okay... our liberal arms laws allowed a mentally unstable man to own a gun, which he then used to shoot and kill thirty innocent people and himself. So, to stop this happening again, we need.... uh... more guns!"

Honestly, do these people even think about how stupid their logic is before they open their mouths?

On a similar note, there is a brilliant letter to the editor in the same paper that says that because we teach the "lie of evolution" and take a liberal attitude towards homosexuals, God has punished us with drought and plagues. Y'know, because homosexuality is nothing more than a poorly chosen lifestyle choice that is totally free from discrimination in our society, the overwhelming evidence in favour of evolution is only God's way of testing our faith, and a benevolent God understands that there is no better way to get his people to love and worship him than to destroy their livelihood and inflict horrific tortures on them.

My play "Shakers" is coming up soon. It's a very funny show about four waitresses in a cocktail bar and the various people that they meet. We all play multiple characters, so its quite an interesting piece, and its not too long so you won't get bored. It's on at the Fremantle education centre on May 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 19 at 8:00pm and May 13 at 2:00pm. Bookings through BOCS on 9484 1133. For more info, go to http://www.theatre.asn.au/production/2007/shakers

Finally, Jason and I are going to see the PantoSoc show "2057: A Time Odyssey  in 3D" on Saturday night, would anyone else like to come?

EDIT: I'm going to become an internet camwhore so that a sleazy old man will buy me this dress.
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