May 19, 2005 15:06
well today was my last day of regular school cuz i'm going to austin tomorrow for rachels graduation :). congrats sis. it was fun. i totally love my spanish class..they are the BEST. hehe everyone gave me hugs as i was leaving and i was like hmmmm i most definetly feel loved. hehe even tho i will be there on the final day. haha. oo well it was awesome. rachel myhill is the best!! hehe <3. so is my spanish class i love you guys!!
so me anne hilary and derrick got ditched at lunch today. hehe that was funny. the table was completely empty and we were like whoa?? but it was cool cuz its brendas birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA!!! <3 i hope your having a good one !! hehe. it was a lot of peoples birthdays today..o yea HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTI COLEMAN!!. even tho she doesnt read this, i thought i would give her a shout out. hhe so yea today was a REALLY REALLy good day. i have all A's for semester so far :). that totally made my day when i found out i brought my spanish grade up a bunch. hehe. and i have a freaking A in historyy?? thats pimp like woah. hmm lets see
every other class was boring, english we just watched TKAM. good movie..but of course i have seen it before b/c my dad LOVES that movie. hehe weirdo? no just kiddin i love him :).
OMGOSH O.C. SEASON FINALE IS TONIGHT. i'm happy but i'm know ? i'm happy that its on tonight but i'm even more sad that its the finale and i wont get anymore new episodes of the O.C. for a couple months :(. ahhhh thats crazzyyy. i'll miss it..but the season finale looks AMAZING. so yeaa ahhhhhhhhhh!! i cant wait only 3 hours 45 min.
yuckk i have a dentist appt i have to go to!! well laterrr guys!!