theyre talking about masturbation on the veiw.

Jan 11, 2007 10:57

last night, matthew and i watched get rich or die trying. it was SO good. haha. now i have a crush on 50 cent. hahaha. im such an asshole.

i have a camera full of pictures to upload but i do not have time.

i cant believe i talked to TWO people about the new season of the L Word and no one told me that cybil shepard is on the new season i LOVE her. her as a lesbian is like a dream come true.

MAN. she was gorgeous back in the day. AND she gets down with alice. and alice is my favorite as well :x i need showtime STAT.

i cut all my hair off. and i hate it. it needs to grow really fast so i can cut it like alice's:

ok im done posting random pictures. bye.
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