Praise, yay! *sigh* etc.

Sep 13, 2011 18:08

All three kids and of course myself have colds. First it was just Symeon and I thought we'd be fine, but then it hit us other three at the same time. Not. Nice. And then Raynier had croup. That was kind of scary (and very tiring as I had to sit up with him all night), but not too bad as Bryan can remember having croup and we were able to get some reassurance from his Mom (who was a nurse).

So I've had a hard time really getting excited about Hannah's upcoming visit for herself rather than "Oh yes! another pair of hands! Oh, I can take a shower every day!" and things like that. The last two nights have been improving a bit though, so even though I'm still really tired, I'm getting excited too. Not to mention it's going to be like Christmas with all the stuff she's bringing over. The kids are looking forward to school books. :)

Another thing that has contributed to me being so tired has been Bryan's busy schedule since about May. This has just increased with the start of the Rugby World Cup, which is being held here in New Zealand this year. We all look forward to having Daddy back again. And not just for a fleeting/overnight visit.

And for the praise... man, I'm still dealing with this. Yesterday on the way to the airport to pick up Bryan, we were overtaking a truck on the motorway. The front of the van got about even with the back of the truck/front of the trailer, and suddenly he puts on his indicator and immediately starts moving into our lane!! I think that is the first time that I have ever 'laid on the horn'. It was terrifying, knowing that as far ahead as I was, even putting on the brakes may not get us out of the way. And the biggest thing was knowing that Symeon was the one who would get hit hardest as he was the only one on the truck side. Raynier, Verity and I had a concrete barrier on our side which would have caused trouble, but nothing to what the truck would have. Anyway, that's as close as I ever want to be to a concrete barrier on one side and a 60mph (100kph) truck on the other. Looking back I probably should have just pulled over and sat for a few minutes, but all I could think was that in less than five minutes Bryan would be taking over the driving and I could let go.

But yeah, Hannah is coming!! She arrives in less than 36 hours now! We got her room decobwebbed and vacuumed this afternoon and partially aired out her duvet (the kids are now using it as a tent). I say partially because it keeps raining.
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