What makes a film so magical?
Why do films touch our hearts and lighten our lives so easily?
I think it's because the experience comes closer to our actual everyday experience than any other art form. In life, we rely very heavily on sight and sounds to interpret what goes on around us. Films show us both of these things.
I just finished watching A Time to Kill for like the upteenth time, and I must say, it still moves me. I get completely and utterly emotional about this film. It just amazes me how much potential film, as an art form, has to do this.
Maybe it's time I re-order my top five favorite films. Note: These aren't my top five best films, as you should be able to tell (lol), but my personal favorite.
5.) Dirty Work
4.) Equilibrium
3.) Taxi Driver
2.) A Time to Kill
1.) Star Wars (A New Hope)
Wow. Yes, I really did just bump A Time to Kill ahead of Taxi Driver. As I mentioned before, it just hits some emotional nerve in my mind or heart. Some scenes in this film are just so overwhelming. If you, reader, have not seen this film, please do yourself the favor of seeing it. Unless you're racist. Then don't bother. And why are you reading my journal? Are you even my friend?
End movie rant. Begin personal rant. My life is okay right now. I'm getting very busy at work. Which is good, well... not good, but not bad seeing as I only have two classes this semester (Spanish with Nicholas, and Film Senior Seminar... a semester of watching American gangster films and writing about them).
I just dropped $250.00 on a registration fee for the GMAT. Just to register! I could fail this test and never see that money again. And what's more, I could pass the test, but NOT get accepted into grad school! What a fucking racket! But enough about that. I'm applying for grad school at URI, and I'll do whatever I have to do to maximize my chances of getting in.
There is one aspect of my life that is bringing me down. I won't explicitly say what it is (even though it is, in fact, my journal, and I should feel entitled to do so). Let's just say that someone isn't showing much interest in something, and perhaps I'm expecting too much. I sure as hell don't think I am. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I'm not doing what I should be doing. Either way, I don't think any of what's going on is indicative of a 'positive' situation, would you agree? (Sorry about the vague discussion).
Okay, I'm in somewhat of a good mood, so I'll throw a random picture on here.
Speaking of great films... has anyone ever seen Ice Cream Man?