Hey Everybody!
Yeah, I know, I've been away a while. Seems like ever since the holidays I've been swamped-- been busy on a couple of new projects, one of which I can share soon, the other I can share later, if all goes well.
Here's a little freedrawin' I did tonight... I'm finally getting back to the suggestions people gave me a while back, the first being... Plasticman!
I couldn't help throwin' Special Agent Morgan (from Kyle Baker's Plas series) in there too.
In other news, gotta mention that Spectacular Spider-Man will now air on it's new home-- Disney's new action channel, Disney XD!
The first 3 episodes with Vulture, Electro and the Lizard aired tonight, and you can catch future episodes every Monday at 7:30 PM. The show also pops up at other times during the week (8:30am & 3:30pm Tuesday, etc..) so keep an eye out if you need to catch up!
It's all reruns for now, but the more people who tune in, the more chance there is Spidey'll be back for a third! Brand new Season 2 episodes will premiere this summer!