May 19, 2005 16:32
Well today hasn't been anything to get excited about....
My neck has been hurting today, must have slept wierd last nite. The weather today has been nothing short of pretty shitty. (does that make sense?...aka it was bad)
I'm still questioning what to do with my hair. Should I grow like mountain man beard, or cut it short and clean. Hmm.... lol decisions
I'm so ready for some football, and for the Reds to not suck (I'm going to assume that the first will happen before the latter).
I have to work a lot this weekend again...FUN..oh well its really not that bad. I get strong and a tan and a workout. So yeah.
Man, I could go for a Coors Light right now, oh well, probably this weekend.
I have no clue for a question so ask me one
-Matt..Red..whatever else you want to call me