
Jun 16, 2007 22:08

Jerry and I kissed for the first time today.
We've been talking for the past four days, just hours and hours on the phone. I've been drunk two nights out of the four. The first night, and tonight. In between I have been drinking with Jerica. Last night was the worst. Jerica, Kelli, and Nick spent the night, and Kelli and Nick got so WASTED. They made out and Nick ended up crying talking about how he was thinking of Elaine the whole time and how he felt gross. Boohoo nick made out with the slut of the world. At this point Kelli and Dan are about to break up, I still don't know what is going to happen, but this morning when Kelli woke up she asked me if I was Dan would I break up with her... yeah, duh. She's slept with AT LEAST four people since she and Dan started to date. Anyways, Jerica and I had to take care of both of them. Actually mostly Jerica, because I was too busy talking to Jerry the whole time. Jerry Lee :). We were drinking bacardis and smirnoffs. So, Jerica drank 8, and when we counted the bottles, AND the empty boxes, there were only 16 gone. That means that Kelli, me, AND Nick shared 8. Nick brought his own Vodka though, so he defn was shitfaced. Kelli on the other hand was taking her shirt off and all this stuuuupid drunk shit. I never got DRUNK, but i was buzzin pretty hard, so I probably had like 1 and a half at the very most. 
Back to my problem.. 
Jerry is Stuart's new boyfriend. By boyfriend I mean his new friend that he thinks is super cool and talks about all the time. So Stuart had been talking about this Jerry guy for like.. a week or two before I met him which was four days ago. The first time I met him, Stuart and I were just at the skatepark and he showed up, he messed with Stuart a little bit and then Stuart's like, "dude let's go to the skatepark", 
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